Thursday, January 1, 2015 Gibbous Moon Phase: trust Moon in - TopicsExpress


Thursday, January 1, 2015 Gibbous Moon Phase: trust Moon in Gemini Ruling Mahavidya: Kali - Skill: hold the line - Sabian Symbol for Lunar Month: an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe Multiple astrological aspects usher the Chinese Year of the Goat, the beginning of the Gibbous Moon phase of the Capricorn (goat) cycle, and a day where energies favor all things Eastern. This energy serves the overall mission of producing new or renewed foundations, structures, and bases for our future. The blueprint for a new world is in place. As we build towards the Midnight Full Moon Saturday night, intense astrological aspects are building also. All of the planets except Saturn and Chiron are in a hard aspect (conjunction, opposition, or square) with another. This signals massive changes within the collective and can produce dramatic events in the world and in our lives. Today, mental confusion can be a side effect. Our minds are working overtime trying to analyze, digest, and process all that is happening. This is particularly true in regard to relationships, as Venus and Mercury are in conjunction. A reassessment of ideals and attitudes is underway here. What we value is trying to clearly show through. Emotions (particularly anger, sadness, jealousy, desire, and enthusiasm) are greatly expanded today with Mars making opposition to Jupiter. Exact opposition happens around 2:00 pm ET/7:00 pm UT today, but the energetic has been in play for a couple of days already. With this there is also ample energy available for connecting with others, making plans, and beginning to build or construct frameworks for the future. A situation may develop where you need to go above and beyond the norm. Expansive energies are in place to be able to take things over the top. Its important to stay strongly grounded with the planet right now. Goat/Capricorn/Kali energy is good at this. There is potential for high drama in the mass dream for the remainder of this month, with highlight at the Full Moon this weekend. The rest of this month is the last prime opportunity the collapsing power structure will have to stem its fall. After this, no more chances to become the rulers of the world. Saturday is the key day. We continue to hold the line. Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report. Blessings to all!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:57:23 +0000

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