Thursday, July 10, 2014 Waking up to read this BRIGHTENS my - TopicsExpress


Thursday, July 10, 2014 Waking up to read this BRIGHTENS my face even further! I am so glad. History would PROVE YOU PERFECTLY RIGHT @ Arrimeh Debwan-yir! I do wish Ato Kwamena Dadzie does indeed stoke NEUTRAL energy when he critic and should do so always. I know him as STRONG NDC. But do I also KNOW STAUNCH NPP who daily in our private conversations speak their mind and STICK TO MIDDLE! Some do same in public!! What they hold as right is commended, and what is wrong is condemned. So also many of my similar minds - the ABSOLUTE NEUTRALS who just want to see the RIGHT THING DONE! Like you, I have GROWN to be ABOVE PARTISAN POLITICS. I CANNOT NEITHER SUBSCRIBE TO NDC FOOLISHNESS [most of the actions are thus aptly described ] NOR NPP BICKERING. Both parties epitomise the SAME: Ghana in gross! So when each side accuse the other, they are ONLY saying similar about self with FOUR fingers pointing backwards!! It IS NOT that NPP is better than NDC that the disapproval and the citicism is LOUDEST TODAY. It IS TRULY also NOT because NPP would do better should it be in POWER. It is simply because my brother Mahama John [ hes Ghanaian; that qualifies him! ] IS PRESIDING OVER A SEEMING BASKET CASE THAT DRAWS RIDICULOUS APPRAISALS DAILY! And he makes it worse when he UNWISELY shows disregard to his political opponents particularly the NPP and in large, the less polarised Ghanaian who talks or critic mainly due to worsening hardships or wanting a BETTER GHANA [ no pun, lol ]. WISELY, my King would rather be doing better TAKING ALL NEGATIVES TARGETED AT HIM IN GOOD FAITH HOWEVER HARSH AND WRONG THEY MAY BE OR SOUND, scrutinising such for WHATEVER PUNY POSITIVES may be inherent therein, SACK ALL THE WICKED AROUND HIM [ LOADS, shown in speech, actions and inactions and the harvestable / observable FRUITS! ] and begin ACTIVELY SEEKING WISDOM and pals [ knowledge, understanding, mercy, TRUTH et al ] and the attendant good that comes with these. I HATE anger tools. And so I detest COUPS! And WHY? Because of their nature. They are EMOTION - DRIVEN MAINLY even as they may be a LEGITIMATE RESPONSE TO AN EXISTING ACTION OR SITUATION. But we KNOW from history; throughout life; from the Bible and the nature of man then, now and days to come that a SIMPLE CHANGE OF HUMAN ACTORS AT THE HELM OF AFFAIRS BE IT VIA BENIGN MEANS [ ELECTIONS ] OR ANGER TOOL - FUELLED MODALITY [ PROTEST --> STRIKES --> REVOLTS / REVOLUTIONS / COUP etc ] does NOT SOLVE MUCH IN THE LONG TERM. It instead comes with very many UNDESIRABLES and conspire to SPLIT AND PERPETUALLY! Wounds are CRACKED OPENED, and old cuts or divisions get CREATED and WIDENED. The very poor and vunerable bears the BRUNT MOSTLY AND ALWAYS. And, there IS the risk of COUNTER of varied forms; reprisals or more mildy scorn, contempt, REJECTION and fence sitting. In sum, the LAND LOSES! Again our PROOF? Just Ghanas history does CONFIRM!! Wednesday, July 09, 2014, I had to explain to friends [ elderly ] that ONE MAJOR PROBLEM of Ghana today is the DEEP DIVISIONS. Many reasons account for this but ONE is what started from Nkrumahs time leading to the coup, Acheampongs et al, Victor Owusu / Paa Willies and the BREAK of the UP that got Limann [ was a Foreign Officer and in a UP faction when ? Egalla was disqualified ], John Rawlings adventures and all the DEEP HURTS etc. And when we had multi party democracy happening, we largely FOLLOWED this made divisive lines and ethnicity or tribal and regional carvings. So at CORE, VOLTA and associates would ALWAYS MASSIVELY VOTE NDC as ASHANTE and associates would VOTE NPP. The NDC had what mainly used to be CPP people and more, plus some who do not ascribe to or like NPP for whatever reasons. The NPP takes stock from the UP, regional Akan or Ashante and CONSTITUENCY AVERSED TO THE NDC or similar et al. Also, people HURT by PNDC / NDC injustice et al would STICK more naturally and easily to the NPP. Bad, our political divisions TRANSLATE GREATLY INTO OUR DAILY LIVES! And further more. And so, the LAND remain TOTALLY DIVISIVE at CORE! NPP would thus find Mahama faulty in gross. And NDC would find almost NO good in NPP in general. So when NPP critic, instead of NDC considering it fair and square and acting to REMEDY, NDC would rather act to fuel the existing tension and vice versa! So, from Mahama down, we hear NO MORE PESSIMISM and GLOOM but time for NEW CONVERSATION et al. Do you reckon the TWO MAIN HERE? The sayer of such IS EITHER IGNORANT and unaware of REALITY or a SEASONED LIAR WHO KNOWS, but act / talk so perceived opponents and known, do not make political capital, scoring gains. Either ways, THAT CANNOT BE THE RIGHT AND THE RESPONSE in truth! Such a response portend FAILURE. Because, that IS NOT THE ATTITUDE AND ACT of the SUCCESSFUL! You cannot speak like that and expect the other side NOT to get more annoyed. You cannot talk that way and get HELPED from opponents. You cannot say such and have the PRESENCE OF MIND TO SIEVE RIGHT THROUGH THE AVAILABLE AND MAKE CORRECT DECISIONS. And thus, you would NOT ACT PROPERLY IN THE MAIN TO DRIVE POSITIVES AND GAINS! When you do that and turn around to do what the critics say and teach you WITHOUT APOLOGISING AND ADMITING YOUR PREVIOUS WRONG, YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE! And either a hypocrite or the TRULY IGNORANT, NOTHING GOOD IS YIELDED. In the end, you would FAIL or perform meekly and either be shamed or regarded as ordinary and consigned to the fiasco lot. But worse, the NATION SUFFERS NET, haven gained MINIMALLY from what little you would have achieved. And, the UNENDING POLARISATION become more STEEP! My advise? Be meek. Listen to the critics. STOP LISTENING TO THE USUAL COUNSELLORS IF YOU WONT SACK THOSE. Read all opposition papers, listen to their media if you can or what is perceived non - sympathetic. THINK and hard, then make decisions, seek GOOD and PROPER COUNSEL, then ACT! Let the ACTIONS be ROOTED IN TRUTH and be POSITIVE RESULT - ORIENTED. Even if it comes very unpopular, STICK TO IT SO LONG AS GOD WOULD BACK IT. And that means YOU MUST KNOW WHAT GOD WOULD BACK! And that means you MUST SEEK GOD AND KNOW HIS MIND FIRST! As for anger tools or coup? I REJECT TOTALLY! Anger tools these way have NO GODLY BASIS, as it were [ pls let no one point to God using his soldiers eg David to win wars et al ]. And they RUIN the partaker, others and the land. For example, Gen Afrifa was involved in a coup long ago. That era was past and gone. He stood for elections and won as an MP. He was now into farming. But when John Rawlings was in via the revolution or coup, Afrifas colleagues, WITH JOHN RAWLINGS, WHO WENT WITH AFRIFA TO SANDHURST KNEW HE CANNOT BE LET TO LIVE AND THE JOHN RAWLINGS REGIME LIVE. The plot was hatched, so he was picked, added to Acheampong and others and killed. Why? Because of the past! He lived by the gun. And he POSED A THREAT TO THE NEW REGIME!! That is a complication of anger tool. We must SHUN anger tools for our own GOOD, that of others and the nation NOW or in the morrow! I personally DETEST SUCH KILLINGS. But that was the sequaele of the history Ghana wrote since the overthrow of Nkrumah. Can we LEARN? THOSE LESSONS ARE MORE PERTINENT TODAY THAN EVER! So, Arrimeh my brother, I can vouch for INDIVIDUAL CHANGE FOR GOOD. I can vouch for societal - self help from the willing good. I can vouch for individual hardwork, savings and expansion for good. But I would TELL YOU ANY DAY that anger tools be it protests, strikes, coups etc would RUIN THE DOER AND RETROGRADE THE LAND in net! Is that what we want?! Yet now, the King must ACT to ameliorate what hardship there is. If he is seen as good, if his work is veritable and good, if his men act right and just etc the people would have LESS CAUSE TO PROTEST AND THERE BY MAKE POSSIBLE ANY BAD. You, and me must REMAIN ABOVE THE POLARISATION / DIVISION. Others must see the TRUISM in being like us today or in future. They must and in due TIMR. After all, GOD IS NOT PARTISAN! And we CLAIM TO LOVE GOD and follow Him. Or do we dont?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:10:36 +0000

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