Thursday July 10, As many of you may know, our chase has been - TopicsExpress


Thursday July 10, As many of you may know, our chase has been written up in People Mag with the lovely Cindy Crawford. This has prompted many to inquire about being tested to be a donor for Chase. I thank you all for your willingness to become bone marrow donors. I will post the link to DKMS Americas so you all can register. Our baby Chase has had a donor selected for him and will be undergoing him transplant on August 5th. He will be admitted to Strong Memorial hospital on July 28th under the care of Dr. Jeffery Andolina and his wonderful team at the transplant unit. On the 28th he will begin an intensive 5 days of radiation two times a day for 40 minutes each. After the 5 days of radiation he will have 2 days of mega dose chemo. He will then have 1 day off and on Aug 5th they will administer the new marrow. But, before all of this, the Make a Wish Foundation is actually sending Chase and his family to meet Mickey Mouse in Florida. The family leaves I think next week. Even though we have been matched, there are thousands more who need a hero to match them and save their life. They are the light in someones life and we could help. So even though Chase has found a match we are still asking please for everyone to go one line to DKMS and register to become a bone marrow or stem cell donor. I clicked on this page today and saw that there were multiple messages and 46 new friends on our page. My heart was warmed. I thank you all for following along and sharing our journey with us. We dont want to stop when Chase is in recovery because we dont want any other family to have to go through what we have gone through with our baby. Once again thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers. We can fight this together if we try. May your God bless you all! -- Aunt Shellie
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:31:16 +0000

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