Thursday, July 17: Before Danes accident, we prayed for rain. Dane - TopicsExpress


Thursday, July 17: Before Danes accident, we prayed for rain. Dane said that if we are going to pray for rain, we needed a rain gauge. We bought a rain gauge and since that time, almost every time Diran went home, he poured rain out of the rain gauge. Well, today it rained 5 inches at our home, flooding our lake spilling over the dam, running over our road. PRAISE the Lord! We live in Texas - we are in a drought, but this summer we are blessed with rain - and today it was a lot of rain! Ill try to post a picture later that our son, Pierce sent us. (On a side note, many people post asking about Pierce. He is well, he is well cared for by family and friends and is busy trying to handle things at home and maintain his summer job. He is never alone and sees his brother every week. This has been a learning and growing journey for all of us) One of the things that I love about Dane is that he believes that God hears and answers his prayers. He prayed for rain - he knew God heard but we didnt have a rain gauge hanging in expectancy. Scripture says, And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13-14 To God be the Glory for the rain. To God be the Glory for Danes faith and belief that God hears and answers the cries of His people. God continues to hear our cries and everyday I see the Lord continue to heal Dane. God says to come to Him boldly. I have prayed with a boldness that I have never known through this journey. I have seen the hand of God move in a way that is absolutely overwhelming. I have thought about my prayer in other times of my life. I have prayed with belief, with perseverance but I find myself with a confident boldness petitioning my Lord with expectancy. Scripture is true – ALL of it – and it is “sharper than any two edged sword” SO if God said it – He meant it. So with boldness we shall pray as He wants us to, He commands us to. Dane has taught me so much……the lesson of the rain gauge. Dane had a great day! He did new things and improved on old things. He had a victory in that he was able to SPIT when he brushed his teeth – Yippeee! In PT we did several new things - Like we walked from the downstairs gym all the way back to our room upstairs!!!! I love that his therapists believe that he can do new things each day!! We also worked on coordination and played a game where Dane tossed a bean bag with his dad in a scoop. He stood for the whole thing and did amazingly well! Then we walked again and worked on side stepping. He was having a little trouble so we started singing the “Cupid Shuffle” song and he got it – we all did the dance in the gym! Who knew that could be a good therapy tool! Im thinking we are going to play the song tomorrow! Dane worked on motor skill with the left hand and releasing a grasp, it is hard but he is mastering it. He is really trying to control it better and everyday we see the small motor changes. In speech he is working on categories. He is getting better and did more than the day before. He did complain today of his tummy hurting. He has gone from totally being fed through a tube to a real food diet and we feel like his tummy is having a little trouble adapting. We are working on it and hopefully this will be over. Please pray this will resolve quickly. One thing that Dane has done since he started talking, which was one week ago today, is that he thanks everyone for everything. “thank you for being a good mom, thank you for telling me hello, thank you for telling me thank you, thank you for rubbing my leg………………………. And on and on…….. It is totally cute and indicative of his sweet spirit. So tonight I am thankful that Dane is thankful, I am thankful for rain, I am thankful that God answers our prayers. Glory to God…………….Sunday’s coming……… Also tonight I would like to ask for prayers for our friend, Jamie, who is the father of one of Pierce’s best friends. He has had open heart surgery and is not progressing as expected and it is very serious. This sweet man came to OKC to see Dane in the PICU and wept over my child. Lift this sweet man and his family up – God is a miracle working God – and we should ask for healing with boldness……
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:53:38 +0000

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