Thursday, July 24th, 2014 Vero Beach, Fl. My life has settled - TopicsExpress


Thursday, July 24th, 2014 Vero Beach, Fl. My life has settled into a simple stress free routine that suits the lazy side of my personality. Sundays I do laundry. Mondays I take the bus to the market to shop some. Tuesdays I might wash dishes, read some, or mess about putting the clean clothes away. Wednesdays may find me at the beach or, if the weather is inclement, ensconced within the air conditioned confines of the boat reading or yelling at Gandalf for getting into things he knows not to be messing with. Thursdays will find me making another trip to the market for bread and milk. Fridays are movie day if there is anything worth the $4 admission fee. Saturday is another day at the beach. Rinse and repeat. Come the first of August I’m headed to Ohio to celebrate Scott and Janet’s birthday. I plan to fly back to NC to visit my daughter, Marina, and her family. I hope to visit friends while there as well. In preparation for the trip I need to get clothes out other than shorts and t-shirts, to wear. I’m not sure what will fit any more so I best get busy checking it out. In addition I think I’ll get my hair cut. It is getting so long that I think I’m beginning to look somewhat freaky. I’ve made arrangements with one of my dockmates, Harry, to look after Gandalf while I’m gone. My biggest worry is the weather while I’m gone. This is getting on towards the worst time for hurricanes and I can’t imagine not being with the boat to make all the preparations to protect it as best I can. I check tropical weather daily during the season. Recently, while sitting beneath my newly purchased beach umbrella, looking out at the water and watching the young mothers with their children I thought about the times spent at the beach when I was just a toddler. My mother would take me to the beach most every day. It was only a half block from where we lived near Lincoln Park on Pacific Coast Boulevard. This was back in the day before the Long Beach Harbor breakwater had been built so there were still waves on beach for me to play in. I don’t recall learning how to swim; it just seems I was always able to. There was always something interesting that had washed ashore. Long streamers of amber seaweed that had bulbs to stomp on and pop. Huge jellyfish all iridescent and poisonous. Horseshoe crabs, sea shells, starfish and other treasures for a young boy to drag back saying, “Mommy, look what I found.” I learned to ride the riptides out past the surf line and paddle to the left or right, depending on where I wanted to go, and then catch the waves back into the shore angling towards my intended destination. I grew up lacking the fear of the water that so many have. To me the sea is a friend that I miss when I’m away from it. At any rate, my days spent at the beach here in Florida, are pleasurable in so many ways. The water is salubriously warm and clear. The sun is balmy, the sands are white and clean, and the young ladies are attractively clad in skimpy bikinis. Could it get any better? Can’t imagine. Yesterday I took the bus into town to do a little exploring. I’d seen a Fresh Market across the street from Publix and as I’d become acquainted with the chain while in Coconut Grove I figured I check this one out. As I walked along the high end strip mall I discovered a cigar store that had a lounge where I could enjoy a smoke in the comfort of a leather chair and larger screen TV. Looking over their selection of cigars in the large humidor I was impressed with the selection offered. I’m putting it down as a place to visit regularly. Continuing my exploration I stopped at the Dunken Donuts for a mint chocolate chip milkshake. That was a pleasant treat to enjoy as I continued my investigation of the Vero Beach Miracle Mile. There seemed to be a number of beauty shops scattered amongst the women’s clothing stores, professional decorators, and other stores. That is all I’ve got for now. Thanks for coming along.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:42:18 +0000

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