Thursday, June 19, 2014 Corbins vocabulary has increased even - TopicsExpress


Thursday, June 19, 2014 Corbins vocabulary has increased even further, as has his ability to deliver it. When I arrived this morning, I noticed the tv hanging on the wall was very crooked. I found Corbins attention and asked him if he thought it was crooked too. He slowly said, Yes... I... noticed... for a... moment. I offered to fix it and he obliged. He sounds more like himself. He has always had some inflections in his voice that I found endearing. They will echo in my mind forever. As he has gotten older, they have waned, but it seems they are a little more pronounced now. He has regressed to younger days in many ways. He stood on his left leg yesterday. The goal is to train him to favor that leg, due to some neurological challenges that are preventing total control of his right. He received some injections in his right leg and arm to help him not clench and hold them in a flexed position. He wears a splint on his arm sometimes to prevent him from staying flexed. His teeth clenching has subsided substantially and he seems to be less inexplicably frustrated. He probably knows why he is frustrated, but it is difficult to discern on the outside. His times to stand on his leg are very difficult for him and cause him some anguish. It seems to be very liberating and equally stressful. He stands for a few seconds on his own, then he gets assistance for up to a minute, and then he lays down as flatly as he can, melting into a puddle of tiredness on the closest bed. This is very hard for him and his efforts are being rewarded with rapid progress. Again, the commands from his brain are sent out correctly but have to find a rogue path to the same destination it used to. Sometimes the command gets lost or diluted along the way. Ive noticed this is happening less and less often. It is remarkable that his progress is so obvious and measurable. Corbin has started feeding himself. He took some bites of graham cracker and attempted some spoonfuls of applesauce; it got a bit messy! He also drank for the first time! He sipped on a straw and had about ten individual gulps. When he was done, she asked what he thought about eating and drinking and he slowly said, I love it. After he takes a bite, the therapist says, Say aah. Once, Corbin replied, Say aah. She said, Are you trying to be funny? And he replied, not... purpose...fully. For a guy who struggles to speak, he sure isnt choosing the easiest words! Lastly, true to his nature, when every therapist or doctor or nurse walks out the door, he always thanks them as best as he can speak it.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 19:08:03 +0000

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