Thursday June 27 2013 Today was rather normal, I was pissed, - TopicsExpress


Thursday June 27 2013 Today was rather normal, I was pissed, again… especially after PE lesson! Today is a day I would use as a memory to remember those who DESTROYED my life! I always will get a perfect revenge… as usual! Lauren is too busy looking at the videos of our past! Tiffany is too busy wining about how much betrayal hurts her; she is saying she wants m advice on how to live with all the pain she has to face in life. She is still wining! I am now listening to “I LOVE IT”, LOL! Got the title from Jadey! **** I am in a place where Ii don’t want to be… my head is hurting! Not only has Tiffany been betrayed, but also heart-broken! Poor her! Why does all the stress have to be on me? I hate it when guys let their egos go first and then their relationships, it is so annoying! I really wish my life was actually like my dream life, and for some reason I still stick to the thought of me being adopted into this family… if you disagree, then explain this: • I have an American accent that no one in my blood line has! • My eyes are light brown and no one (again) has that! I just feel insecure, even with these walls around me… as in rules, boundaries and parents! I wish Tulip was online, that way we both can talk to each other and my life turns out easier, she will know what to say! LOL! Turna is from Turkey, and Tulips come from Turkey… that is the nickname I gave her! Cool right? I know that someday, someone will read all this and know that I am worth it and I am different because of my upbringings, and blah blah blah… **** Here are things I hate about people: • “I am perfect and you’re not!” • “I am better than you and it has been proven already!” • “Who do you think you are? You are going to do what I want you to do!” Gosh! There are way too many things that people say, and I hate these quotes… like hell! … Why am I talking about quotes? This is really getting annoying! I just wish there was a simpler way to explain everything, that way my life would be easier, just a bit! **** How I wish that my life! Wait, what life am I talking about? ... OH, yeah! The life of my dreams! At school, I was reading more of Ola’s diary; it just keeps on getting better! Anyways, at a time like this, what would you do, to waste time? Daddy is just too busy talking about broken pens, LOL! My laptop is in a mess, Windows 8… I am playing about, again! I really just want to go to sleep… Oh, yeah! That reminds me…. RE lesson today was hilarious, Mikey dressed up in a bunny suit (the tale was awesome- he stole it from a 6 year old), Christmas looked like Harry Potter dressed in a pirate costume, Nifemi looked like she was dressed for shopping, same with Olle! I was dressed up in a black dress… plain yet fancy! My presentation sucked (no power-points from me)… I got soooo lost when I was presenting, it was all very funny! Mrs. Terry said that she will put the pictures up at the new building! What?! Why?! **** I just don’t think that today’s amount of writing will not beat yesterday’s one! LOL! Am challenging myself… Lauren and Emily had their dance performance on Wednesday and they have their production on Friday, next week Friday! I can’t wait to watch it! Hope I get to skip school on that day… … I just got back from my doodling for the minute! Gotta go, be back later!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 09:57:22 +0000

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