Thursday Late Night / Friday Very Early. - We are settling into a - TopicsExpress


Thursday Late Night / Friday Very Early. - We are settling into a routine now, with Jim telling us how to make him more comfortable... Does he need water? A different position? Hungry? Ryan and I are able to take a walk, get a change of scenery - get around nature for a while... But Jim cant. If you are NOT from Three Rivers it would be truly hard to understand the Home Sickness I know Jim is experiencing... The four walls that are protecting his life are also is also his cage. On a clear night, back in 3R, Jim would fell asleep outside watching for satellites and shooting stars. There is a decorated ceiling title in his room with a few five pointed stars on it... Far cry from the endless stars in the Milky Way. Since I had to step away for the day to teach in Visalia, the ICU allowed me to stay with Jim after visiting hours. Back beside Jim, late Thursday Night, he was happy to see me, talkative. And for the first time since the stroke, asked me some great questions. We are fighting two wars right now... The Stroke aftermath is repairing itself day by day. Jim is more and more himself again, and we are at peace with that, slow and steady. The Clot in the lung is the Four Star General right now... We would like it demoted and dissolved, not traveling and causing more hell in its path. Today is about to begin, and I add my prayers to yours... I am seeing the clot getting smaller and smaller, and than just dissolving from his lung. That is my wish, prayer, positive thought for this Friday... Thank you for wishing, praying and sending positive thoughts to this big sweet man. Your good wishes and prayers are keeping the whole family strong and we are forever in your debt.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:35:27 +0000

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