Thursday Sept, 19 Hindus will observe Shraad Purnima and all are - TopicsExpress


Thursday Sept, 19 Hindus will observe Shraad Purnima and all are invited to participate in Pooja at the Mon Repos Shiv Mandir on Thursday @ 7 pm Here is an excerpt of Pandit Lalloo Persaud on Dharmic Awaaz aired on Voice of Guyana (12 Sept, 2013) Dharma is one of the most important themes within Hinduism. One often sees dharma translated as religion, duty, or even righteousness, but in fact, there is no single direct translation for dharma. Religion, duty and righteousness are not wrong; they are simply included within the idea of dharma. The word "dharma" comes from the Sanskrit root dhri, meaning to "uphold" or to "sustain." From this perspective, the best way to think of dharma is to say, "that which upholds or sustains the positive order of things: the nation, the community, the family and ultimately even the universe." At a social level, every individual has a particular dharma according to their place in life. Children have a dharma, parents have a dharma, teachers have a dharma, the police have a dharma and even the head of a nation has a dharma. One of the dharmas of a child, for example, is to obey parents and to study. Parents have a dharma to protect and look after children: to make sure they are educated, fed, housed and trained. The opposite of dharma is "a-dharma." What this means is obvious. If children fail to obey parents, if parents do not train and discipline children , then adharma exists, and when there is too much adharma, there will be a break down of the family, society or the nation. The nation, the community, the family and even individuals cannot prosper when too much adharma reigns. There is a saying, "Protect dharma and dharma will protect you."
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:14:30 +0000

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