Thursday, September 04, 2014 From: Kit Elliott Subject: Personal - TopicsExpress


Thursday, September 04, 2014 From: Kit Elliott Subject: Personal Letter To Frustrated Internet Marketers Dear Internet Marketer, Surprisingly, these 2 magic words can make you millions... These 2 magic words that you wont EVER hear Gurus talking about when selling their new amazing product. What are these words? SALES FUNNEL Sales funnel is a sales process that takes someone from just visiting your site, to becoming your raving customer. In todays internet marketing world it may look like this: Basically, the visitor comes to your squeeze page, opt ins to your list, and then gets redirected to a paid offer. A good sales funnel has the ability to convert a very high percentage of visitors into subscribers. Very good sales funnel turns these subscribers into very green dollar money. And a whole lot of it. Its absolutely essential for you to create highly optimized and converting sales funnels. These 2 Secret Words Can Make You Millions Of Dollars! Its actually how the gurus are making millions of dollars. One sales funnel could literally become your 5, 6 or even 7 figure business. No joke. Still, most gurus prefer to sell you just another garbage instant riches software that does absolutely nothing. Why? Because they can pitch you another product next week. Their goal is to steal as much from you as possible in the shortest amount of time… Until… you realize the truth. The most successful people online have their own highly optimized & converting sales funnels that make them money on complete autopilot. I Spent The Last 6 Months Like A Mad Scientist Testing, Optimizing & Coming Up With Completely New And Groundbreaking Funnels... ...And I discovered the hard way how DIFFICULT it is to create a proper sales funnels. It was absolutely NUTS! Not only did I spend the last 5 years meticulously analyzing every detail of the 6 and 7 figure product launches sales funnels. I also spent tens of thousands of dollars on internet marketing education. I literally went through thousand of the most successful sales funnels, took notes and created swipe files just come back to realize... Its All GARBAGE! How so? In these 6 months I tried to implement the best strategies I learned by being a spectator. I created my brand-new sales funnel that was so slick, so good; I thought its going to make me millions! And to tell you the honest truth... It totally flopped! My conversions were pretty bad, no one wanted to subscribe to my squeeze page, and my one-time offer sales were nearly 0. That made me realize something VERY valuable... Theory and practice are 2 totally different things! You see, in marketing even if you think youve an expert in something... its the real world that is going to TEST YOU. And in most cases youll FAIL. Thats life. Only After Creating Plenty Of Full-Blown Sales Funnels Did I Realize How Freaking Hard It Is... In order to create a proper sales funnel that actually makes you some good money, youll need to: Learn how to create websites (HTML, CSS) Learn how to create graphics (Photoshop) Learn how to write a sales copy (copywriting) Learn how to optimize & split-test your funnels Learn what your market really wants Thats just to start with... And if you want to outsource all of it, be prepared to spend thousands of dollars... And then It came to me... I Cracked The Code On How To Create Profit-Pulling Funnels That Literally Bring Me Instant PayPal Commissions On Complete Autopilot! After carefully analyzing my failed sales funnel I discovered common elements that made my funnels stinky... So I changed the whole approach and tried to do it differently. I came up with special monetization modules that turned my failing funnels into cash-pumping machines. I discovered the uncommon art & science of turning cold visitors into easy affiliate commissions (and mostly instant!). I Literally Spent Hundreds Of Hours, Put My Heart & Soul, Into Creating 16 Unique Funnels... And The Results Were Just Scandalous In just 28 days I used these funnels to build a list of 1571 subscribers for 100% FREE! I was absolutely shocked by these results and I knew I was onto something! My conversions were through the roof! As you know by now, getting to this point took me over 6 months of absolutely grueling & exhausting work that I wouldnt wish on even my worst enemy... It was an absolute nightmare, and in all honesty, I dont want you to go through it yourself. I know how hard it can be to start making money online. In a world full of lies and deception (especially online), magic push-button software, and fake actors how can you trust anyone? Just few years back, I was in the same position as you are right now. I struggled, and struggled, and struggled... And nothing really worked. I wish someone could have told me truth. I was the guy that tried to do it all by himself. I never listened. I always wanted to do it my way. I believed there was no shortcut to success. I had to work hard. I had to KNOW IT ALL. And how did it work for me? Well, I was broke as always. Until I Realized That Most Successful Internet Millionaires Are Using Special Shortcuts To Totally Crush The Regular Guys... You see: I learned the hard way that there is NO WAY under the sun I will learn it all. The technology is moving too fast. Internet marketing is changing every second. And I have just 24 hours in a day. I saw my first success by investing in proven done-for-you solutions and website creation tools that made everything SO MUCH EASIER! Now I could create sites 10 times faster that were optimized by real-deal marketers with years and years of experience. I could start making money 10 times faster than if I had done it all by myself. I really loved this idea of a done-for-you solution and because it had such a tremendous impact on me back then, I want to give back. Now, at this very moment, I want to help you start making real money online, the same way I did, the EASIER WAY. WITHOUT setting up websites yourself WITHOUT doing anything technical WITHOUT spending money on a graphic designer WITHOUT spending years learning the of science conversion & copywriting What if I told you there is a way to.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:07:05 +0000

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