Thursday morning brought somber news (RIP Joan Rivers) and a - TopicsExpress


Thursday morning brought somber news (RIP Joan Rivers) and a sinking feeling as the Capricorn moon joined Pluto (the grim reaper). This aspect exacerbated the effects of the relentless change and loss weve all been experiencing on some level. In fact the last couple years have been brutal as volcanic Pluto in Capricorn has been battling with unpredictable Uranus in feisty Aries. With this combo, the only constant has been change. Sure Capricorn prefers the status quo, the old and the tried and true. Pluto though, is putting this sign under the microscope and through the grinder, exposing corruption, greed and transforming business as usual. Since Pluto has also been dueling with the more Independent and reckless Uranus in Aries, it feels as if the rug is collectively being pulled out from under us. Another thing to consider is that Saturn the planet of karma (which rules Capricorn) is in Pluto-ruled Scorpio the sign of death. This has been intensifying our experiences and making our desire for nostalgia clash with our need to let go and move forward as places and people we thought would always be there are taken away too soon. Friday feels calmer as the moon distances itself from plutos grip, helping us to better compartmentalize our feelings long enough to take care of all the important practical stuff. Venus soon joins the Sun in earthy Virgo which helps us to cooperate with our coworkers and a trip to the doctor will be both pleasant and beneficial. By dinner time, the Moon leaves wise Capricorn for utopian Aquarius, which helps us to delegate some of the responsibility thats been resting on our shoulders. With the moon in Capricorn, the emphasis is on old folks (elders), grandparents, corporations, CEOs, governments, hierarchies, late bloomers and karma. While Plutos there for the next decade, well see a lot of Capricorn people become bigger than life and longtime institutions change or disappear. Heres a clip with Gemini Joan Rivers with Capricorn Betty White. huffingtonpost/2012/04/24/hot-in-cleveland-joan-rivers-betty-white_n_1449371.html And heres Capricorn Annie Lennox echoing the icy chill that this winter born sign is known for.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:34:54 +0000

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