Thursday the Airmen are usually granted Base Liberty which means - TopicsExpress


Thursday the Airmen are usually granted Base Liberty which means they must stay on base the entire day. That of course brings up the question, What is there to do on Base Liberty? Heres a topic that will provide some options: Heres a link to our photo album with the maps to Lackland: https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.173276126038798.35236.159846540715090 Source for the information on graduation: ================================= FAQs 1. What do I wear to the Thursday events? Many choose to wear a t-shirt the same color as the TRS that their loved one is in. It really doesnt matter what you wear as long as its weather appropriate and comfortable. If you are wearing a specific shirt just let your Trainee know so that he/she can look for you. Heres a link to a topic on shirts: 2. What time should I arrive on base? We recommend arriving very early, maybe as early as 6 to be sure you are able to get through the gate and park etc. and not be rushed. 3. Where do I get banners? There are many places that you can purchase banners from. Heres a link to help you out: 4. Where do I stand for the Airmans Run and where do I sit for the Coin Ceremony? For the Airmans Run Hughes St. is directly behind the BMT RC and you just go out the back door of the BMT RC (through the gift shop or out the doors of the briefing room) and find a spot along the street. Its crowded and you can walk left on the street towards the bridge to spread out a bit. Please be mindful of others trying to enjoy the run. For the Coin Ceremony you will be given a map of where your Airman is standing and you usually sit in bleachers close to where they are standing. Youll want to grab a seat as the stands fill up fast. 5. Can I stay on base? What about area hotels? If you are wanting to stay on base the key thing to remember is that base lodging is primarily for active duty military members on orders however, they do allow civilians to book a room. Here’s more info on how to do it: If you’d like to stay at an area hotel we suggest that you check out bmtfamilytravel for reservations and utilize a site such as tripadvisor to read reviews/recommendations. We understand folks have different expectations and needs and we feel that it’s best to suggest using tripadvisor to get more reviews/recommendations of the accommodations. ================================== Hope this info helps yall! Remember...if you have a question theres also more info easily found on our website: (((hugs))) ~lisa
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:30:00 +0000

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