Thursday: the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus all day. As - TopicsExpress


Thursday: the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus all day. As mentioned earlier, the entrance of the Moon into Taurus (Wednesday afternoon) started the energetic build up towards the Full Moon; it also concludes the Eclipse season that started back on Sept. 24th: Our consciousness upgrade has been completed and we can tackle life from a new place. Lets talk about the Full Moon: The Sun in Scorpio opposes the Moon in Taurus (this will be exact on Thursday, at 5:23pm EST). We seek balance and something needs to be brought into alignment. Scorpio teaches us to connect to our deepest passions, overcome our fears, let go of our emotional attachments or traumas, and connect deeply to ourselves and others. It also teaches us to embrace all of who we are (the good, the bad, the ugly), so we can be more authentic and empowered. On the other hand, Taurus seeks a healthy relationship with the physical world — our body, resources, money, and highest values. Here, we learn more about the power of beauty and what makes us happy on a physical level. We develop our talents and self-esteem -- and we discover (and manifest) what we truly want. A healthy sense of self-worth is critical: No amount of money or material possessions will substitute. What matters most to you? What makes you happy? Are you making a living or making a life? Venus is the ruler of Taurus; with its alignment to the Sun and Saturn in Scorpio, we are being asked to be emotionally authentic and connect to the power of the love within. We are called to merge our sense of Self with our heart and choose love over fear whenever we can. We can transform the stale and toxic by bringing love and conscious awareness to it. Embracing and owning our projections, fears, and issues around power is part of that too. This is a journey into our unconscious -- and it may lead to great riches. With Saturn in play, it serves us to clarify what healthy boundaries and bottom lines are -- and who our shadow-selves are. The more we identify with one thing, the more we tend to project its opposite onto others. Who (or what) do you idolize? Demonize? Where do the same patterns or struggles with authority figures or within our intimate relationships show up over and over again? In other words: What energies are you projecting onto others? What are you unwilling to embrace about yourself? Remember: We dont have to go to the other extreme. This is about finding the healthy expression of any energy. Pluto (the modern ruler of Scorpio) aligns with Mars (the traditional ruler of Scorpio) -- a very powerful combo. It asks us to be completely honest (with ourselves and others) about our intentions and motivations, especially when it comes to long-term goals. Pluto and Mars in Capricorn are also making a square to Uranus in Aries. This is a truth-or-consequences time. What needs adjusting? What needs to be put right? Staying flexible and open will help during this aspect. People will forgive us almost anything when we come from the heart and are truthful, authentic and able to take responsibility. As best as you can, dont be afraid to stand up for your authentic truth and unique self-expression. This Full Moon urges us to be resourceful and go beyond unhealthy social conventions. Here are a few final coaching questions for this aspect: What is in the way of you honoring your gifts and feeling confident in the world? Could you let that go? If you did, how might that empower you -- and others? Which values would you need to transform to create authentic relationships with yourself and others? For more details on the zodiac signs and the degrees most affected by todays forecast, subscribe to my weekly forecasts on my website via FeedBurner.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:14:38 +0000

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