Thursday was really fun, mom, I had a great time. I must admit - TopicsExpress


Thursday was really fun, mom, I had a great time. I must admit when you had me get in the car at 6 am and it was pitch dark out, I felt a wee bit disconcerted. And then when you angle parked down in Georgetown, well, since Id never been there before, it all felt kind of strange to me, kind of mysterious. But once we walked into All City Coffee and Caitlin gave me those treats, I felt comfortable right away. I sniffed my way around the room to inspect everything, and then it was nice just lounging by the front door, greeting customers while you drank your coffee. That one guy with the long silver hair and red glasses, he sure did give me a good belly scratch, I wont forget that for a long time. Then when we drove to Classic Helicopter, it was pretty cool walking on the grass by Airport Way, I left my mark in several places and had myself a good morning poop. It was cool having the whole place to ourselves, just the two of us, for a while, before all the others arrived. I liked helping you make coffee, unlock doors, turn on lights, and get your computer going; now I know the kind of stuff you do at work every day. I decided that the best place for me was right by the front door, that way no one could miss seeing me or giving me a rub as they came in - it proved to be the right decision, everyone was really nice to me, that one girl even asked if she could take my picture. It was really funny later in the morning when you turned around and saw I wasnt beside you, and then you looked in Scotts office and found me stretched out and snoring while he did a ground lesson with his student. They didnt mind, though, they liked having me there, he said, No problem. Then when we drove to Georgetown for lunch and the guy who owns the 9 lb Hammer and the Square Knot Diner passed us on the sidewalk and called me the worlds furriest dog - I thought that was kind of cool. It was nice visiting Fantagraphics, even though I took a snooze while you were looking around at books. The only disappointment was when I waited in the car while you got spicy and mandarin chicken at Marutas, and it smelled so good; you ate it right in front of me, without offering so much as a bite. Not one lousy bite. So I gave you the silent treatment for the rest of the afternoon, I just napped and snored and didnt even look at you, then it was time to go home. I said my goodbyes and got some pats, back in the car, the day had gone pretty fast, all in all, I really did have a great time, what are we going to do on our next adventure, mom, I can hardly wait, where shall you and I go then?
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:13:37 +0000

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