Thursdays Tip of the Day! Leadership starts now! The minute you - TopicsExpress


Thursdays Tip of the Day! Leadership starts now! The minute you sign up if you are going for the big money...Whether you know it or not you also signed up to be a leader and a mentor! From the Second that you bring someone else into your business you are now a leader! That person is looking for support, guidance, and help along the way! You may not have ever thought about yourself as a leader or doubt yourself but remember leaders are not born...they are made! So how do you start to shift to a leadership mentatlity? Here are some tips! First off self development! Most of you probably are like me when I started and had no idea what that was! See out there in the real world normal people with JOBs (just over Broke) do not have the luxury of self developing. They get up every day to go to work so that they can support themselves and sometimes a family and then they come home to the dramas of life! See before It works most of you never got to just sit back and think about what you wanted out of life? What kind of legacy you want to leave behind? What kind of vision you want to cast to others? Or how you want to make an impact on other people! In real life we dont lead people...We step over them to get to where we want to be or get what we need out of life! We are so busy just paying the bills and keeping up that the luxury of developing yourself just isnt an option! So it makes total sense that one wouldnt know how to self develop or where to even begin! Here are a few ways that I self develop and learn leadership skills as well! #1 Read Books....there is nothing like reading a good book on self development to get your mind right. #2 Surf the internet for programs and ideas #3 Ask your upline to reccomend somethings that they did to start developing themselves and their minds in the begginning of their business #4 Find a mentor...Someone that has been doing this kind of business for a while and you look up to their beliefs and moral values. you can even do this from afar! From the beggining of my business I began to follow the people that I admired like Kami Dempsey and Denise Heffron Walsh and Debbie Fox Sasek and Melody James McFarlane. I watched what they did, got on any calls they were on, and looked them up on you tube for videos that could help me! #5 Utilize success on Demand in your back office. This is an amazing tool for self development and helping you grow your team as well as leadership skills! It is so important that you make this a priority because if you do not you will essentially feel overwhelmed when you get a team of people under you that count on you for guidance and support! Make sure you set asside time every single day...Whether it is 10 minutes or 1 hour to work on growing and knowing who you are! There is nothing more fullfilling then finding out who you are inside, what your vision is, and how you want to lead your organization to success! So there you have it! A few quick tips on Developing you into that leader that you want to be! Happy Thursday and God Bless!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:36:30 +0000

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