Thursdays at A Blissful Place are Financial Wellness Day, so we - TopicsExpress


Thursdays at A Blissful Place are Financial Wellness Day, so we thought it would be good to cover a few different perspectives on the whole money thing and how our clients can better position themselves to have peace through any financial conflicts that may arise or have already taken hold. We divided the discussion into 3 parts: 1. How do you know if you are having a hardship, (seems obvious right, well wait until you hear this) 2. What to do if you are already having a financial hardship 3. How to prepare and protect yourself from a new financial hardship. After each topic we will provide a link to a site and/or list of books that can further help you in the next steps of achieving empowerment and success in conquering the challenge you are facing. We thought we would talk to a financial advisor, a spiritual advisor, and what Lois L. Hays says about it. At the end of each question we will give a Resource book, local contact that provides free consultations, or other source(s) that can expand on the topic of finances, so you and your family can experience peace of mind around it. ------------------------------------- 1.HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE HAVING A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP Seems obvious right? When there is less money than is want to do the things you want. Maybe, but not so fast...You know the saying you can never be too skinny or have too much money right! Well at A Blissful Place are clients know that is not actually a healthy way of thinking or living, especially since now you know from last week’s post that happiness and joy are very different things and can come from many experiences other than just what money can buy. Further, if you really think about it, as soon as you get the money you think you need, typically your needs change to want more. Got a new toyata, now I want a BMW. Further, what is enough money for one, is either not enough for another or more than enough for someone else. Truly everyone is different so only you will know this, but a good measurement is basically… when you are allowing money to be an idol in your life, meaning it takes up more of your focus or time than ANY OTHER THING, OR if you are missing out on the important experiences in your life by having to sacrifice in order to make more money because you want to rather than have to. In fact, according to author Lois L. Hay who wrote a book called Heal your body A-Z (and studied many people with similar physical conditions and the mental beliefs they had or were experiencing around them) writes: that all physical illness has an additional mental cause as well. In regards to finance she writes that back problems are a sign of a financial probable cause and gives a new thought pattern to meditate on or think about whenever possible. Below is what she categorized: -Lower Back Pain….Fear of money, lack of financial support -Middle Back Pain…Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there” Get off my back” -Upper Back Pain…Lack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Holding back love from others. 2. WHAT DO I DO NOW THAT I ALREADY HAVE A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP Well, it too depends on what level you are experiencing it. Here are some options: 1. If it’s a back ache, then print this out for your meditation script. 2. Come in and pick up our 100 ways to deal with stress sheet. 3. Book an appointment for a massage at A Blissful Place before it’s too late (can’t afford a massage? See next option) 4. Like us on facebook and you will be entered to win a FREE MASSAGE along with many other amazing health and wellness products and services 5. Take a yoga stretching class it helps the back 6. Book a FREE phone consultation with Howard Jones 7. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad-we have a FREE COPY to borrow in our lending library 8. Visit our Wellness Products Page on our website then Click on Dave Ramsey’s “Get out of Debt now” link to learn more. It’s AMAZING!!!! 9. Waiting and hoping it will just go away only makes it worse. At A Blissful Place we have many health coaches for you to discuss any challenges you are facing. Our financial health coach resource is just one of their many specialties and is available by phone or in person so call us today for more information. HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF FROM A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP 1. Stay Tuned and LOG IN on Monday for the Health Challenge Posting that will cover this in detail. ablissfulplace/services/medic-holistic-clinic/coaching/financial/
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:10:59 +0000

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