Thursdays tip of the day! The second that you sign up one person - TopicsExpress


Thursdays tip of the day! The second that you sign up one person you are now a leader! You want to make sure that your being the best leader you can be no matter if you only have one distributor or a thousand! Here are some basic tips on being that leader your new distributor deserves! Making sure that you have a system is key. I have a system that I use every single time that is easily duplicated so that person can do the same thing with anyone they sign and so on! Remember everything that you do with your new distributor is all they know so if they are not trained correctly how do you expect train someone else? My system does not have to be your system and it doesnt have to go in the same order but the same fundamentals must be there. To give you an idea Ill give you the run down if mine. Then you can create your own that best suits your leadership style. First things first. The second I sign someone I walk them through logging on to the website and I show them around. Then I show them how to log into their esuite, where to change their autoship, support ticket, and where to find the training videos. To often people take for granted that someone will just figure this out. Dont assume this because many are afraid of the computer. Its imperative that they watch their training! I then take them to my website lisakayefuller and show them where the training videos are there as well as the recorded calls they can use to send to prospects. Second I pull out a steps to success sheet. A plan of action if you will. I then have them write down four people they are already thinking of approaching with the products and three people that they believe could use the opportunity. I then tell them I want them to work in getting them to her practice party! Third, I set out a schedule for them. We plan a day to meet within 1 week to blitz. We plan dates for their practice party then a launch party. I will explain that process in tomorrows tip. I explain what the 100s list is and we plan a day, usually on the day we plan to blitz, to go over and help with the 100s list. This is plenty of info to start you want to make sure you do not over load! You have covered the main issues at hand! Lastly they get their first assignment! Watch the esuite videos and my training videos...while they are watching they are to take notes. Making them take notes ensures they are not lying to me! Then I ask them how long they think it will take them to watch the videos they are about 3 hours total. Make sure they pick the date and time they will need watching them. After they pick that date which is usually within one or two days, if they are really excited I tell them I will be calling them on that date and time to go over their notes from the videos. If you call them in the date and time THEY chose and they havent watched them yet it give me excuses...this tells me quite a bit about their commitment level. The very last thing I do is tell them to NOT call everyone they know and tell them they are selling something. I have them post their before and after on Facebook and say check this in 45 minutes! Ill explain more about this tomorrow in being a leader tip 2!!! Have an amazing Thursday! :-)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 05:03:09 +0000

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