Thursdays tip of the day! You have to want this...really want - TopicsExpress


Thursdays tip of the day! You have to want this...really want this deep inside! No one is going to baby sit you and make sure you are doing something every single day for your business! Self motivation! ITS the key to becoming successful! How do you get that motivation from within? It all boils down to WHY? Why are you doing this? Figuring that out is your start to self motivation! Its okay if you started for money in fact about 95% of anyone that reads this most likely started for money and other selfish reasons! Wanting more, a better way of life! But that will not be enough to keep you motivated! Its about digging deeper! Here is an example and I will use myself! I wanted money but WHY did I want money? Of course I wanted nice things but mainly I just wanted to get by without having to penny pinch. I looked at my future and there was no retirement In waiting tables. I felt unappreciated at my job. I was sick of struggling and wondering how bills would be paid. I was so worried about bills that it caused stress in my relationship. I was always working to pay the bills so I sacrificed my children...seeing them, spending time with them, not being able to give them things in life. I realized that I would never be able to be there for them if I didnt do something different. That need is my WHY! You see money was not the WHY it was a means to an end for my real WHY which are my children! I would do anything for my children and that need to give them a good life gave me Self motivation! Its time for you to dig deep! You need to find your WHY! It has to be So strong that anytime you ever think of giving up your WHY will stop you! I once had one of my distributors say that she didnt have a good WHY! She thought because it wasnt my WHY or some of the other whys she had heard that she didnt deserve this opprtunity! Thats ridiculous I told her! Your WHY is your WHY and no one but you determines its worth. She felt that because she had enough money and without the business she would be fine monetarily her WHY was not worthy. Do you know what her WHY was? When we dug deep it was to be closer to her daughter! This business has done that for her and once she realized her true WHY she will never quit! I have another distributor who had the same issue! Money wasnt the problem but her lack of self worth was. She wanted something for herself! Not just being someones mother or wife! She needed something for her! Once she figured that this was her WHY she will never give up because she loves doing this.and she wakes up everyday feeling that self worth! Do you see what Im saying? Your journey is your journey! Your WHY is like a snow flake no two are alike and they are all just as special! So I truly hope that everyone reading this will take some time today to dig deep and truly understand their WHY! This will keep you moving every day because that need to fulfill your WHY or to not lose your WHY will motivate you like no other! Stop comparing, dont judge, and realize that we were all lead here with different destinies and paths! There are no right our wrong paths! Someone that is happy as a ruby is no less valuable as an ambassador diamond. If your happy where you are that is WHY you are Here! Happy Thursday everyone! :-)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:05:49 +0000

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