Thus have I heard: The Blessed One was once staying in the Easter - TopicsExpress


Thus have I heard: The Blessed One was once staying in the Easter Park in the large palace of Mrgaramata (the mother of Mrgara) at Sravasti, together with a large assembly of monks numbering 1,250. Then the Blessed One addressed the monks, his voice firm, deep, sweet, lofty, and faultless: The Dhamma, monks that I shall teach you is virtuous in the beginning, virtuous in the middle, virtuous in the end. It is good in sense and letter, most perfect, pure, and clear, and leads to the highest path. Such is this Dhamma discourse on the Compendium of Categories. Listen and fix your mind well and rightly on it, and I shall speak. Well said, Lord, the monks answered the Blessed One, giving their assent. The Blessed One spoke to them thus: “What, monks, is this Dhamma discourse, the Compendium of Categories? “It contains: Five Aggregates Five Aggregates of Clinging Eighteen Elements Twelve Sense Fields Twelvefold Law of Conditioned Co-production Four Noble Truths Twenty-two Faculties Four Meditations Four Formless Attainments Four Sublime States Four Courses (of Meditation) Four Ways of Cultivating Concentration Four Foundations of Mindfulness Four Right Efforts Four Bases of Psychic Powers Five Faculties Five Powers Seven Constituents of Enlightenment Noble Eightfold Path Sixteenfold Mindfulness of Breathing In and Breathing Out Four Constituents of Attaining the Stream Ten Powers of Tathagata Four Grounds of the Tathagata’s Self-Confidence Tathagata’s Four Kinds of Special Knowledge Eighteen Special Dhammas of the Buddha Tathagata’s Thirty-two Marks of a Great Personage Eighty Minor Marks of the Buddha “This, monks, is the list of topics of this discourse on Dhamma, the Compendium of Categories.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:48:56 +0000

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