Thus, if you want to understand another person’s dream, you have - TopicsExpress


Thus, if you want to understand another person’s dream, you have to sacrifice your own predilections and suppress your prejudices. This is not easy or comfortable, because it means a moral effort that is not to everyone’s taste. But if the analyst does not make the effort to criticize his own standpoint and to admit its relativity, he will get neither the right information about, nor sufficient insight into, his patient’s mind. The analyst expects at least a certain willingness on the patient’s part to listen to his opinion and to take it seriously, and the patient must be granted the same right. Although such a relationship is indispensable for any understanding and is therefore of self-evident necessity, one must remind oneself again and again that it is more important in therapy for the patient to understand than for the analyst’s theoretical expectations to be satisfied. The patient’s resistance to the analyst’s interpretation is not necessarily wrong; it is rather a sure sign that something does not “click.” Either the patient has not yet reached the point where he understands, or the interpretation does not fit. Carl Gustav Jung - The Man and his Symbols Dell Publishing - a division of Random House, Inc formerly edited by Aldus Book, Limited, London (1964)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 21:29:09 +0000

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