Thus says The Lord: The vineyard, I planted, has produced wild - TopicsExpress


Thus says The Lord: The vineyard, I planted, has produced wild grapes, the vines of which have reached unto the ends of the earth. I had sent to them The Messiah, The Sower of the seeds of salvation. They have treated them as bitter herbs and cast them asunder... Throwing them into the depths of the sea, so none might find them, lest even one seed grow in them, saying, “I answer to no one, nor any god. I am who I am. I go my own way.” Thus says The Lord, to the haughty and high-minded... You shall be brought very low, even to the depths of hell, which is the grave! Who shall save you from the wrath of God in that day?... Who, oh insolent children, who?... JESUS The Christ, BOTH LORD AND SAVIOR, Is the name by which you must be saved! I have spoken it, and shall say it again... Kiss The Son, lest you, and all you have known, come to naught, when His anger is kindled but a little. Even so, little ones, The Lord is not without mercy... I wish that all come to repentance and none are lost. My will is that you come to know My love, the love which is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, The Lord. Thus says The Christ, The Redeemer: Come to Me, embrace all I have done... Live unto Me... And I shall come live in you, and return quickly to receive you to Myself, plucking you from the furnace which shall rage even seven times hotter than in all times past. To those who remain, though you be in the midst of the fiery furnace, I have not forsaken you... Turn to Me, and I shall abide with you in the heat of its burning, taking you through unscathed. Even the smoke of its burning shall not be found at all in your vesture. Beware, little children... The furnace is the Last Week, the Judgment of God, the Consummation... Many shall perish in those days. None, who call on My name, shall suffer judgment, yet you will suffer at the hands of the evil one and his servant, for a time, times and the dividing of time. Be not downhearted... To die is gain in those days. You shall be with God in an instant, in a twinkling of an eye... You shall behold Him! In those days, which will be shortened, lest no flesh be saved, You shall behold the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon The Son of Man... I am The Stairway... The Way, The Truth and The Life... Your Helper, your Salvation from sorrows. [Timothy] Though the weight of many sorrows is upon me, I will praise You in the storm... I will praise the name of glory, I will praise the name of love and pure righteousness... The One who holds my hand and wipes away my tears, and replaces them with unstanchable tears of joy. Oh Lord and my God, You are The Holy One, both Maker and Savior of men. Amen..
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:09:04 +0000

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