""...Thus says The Lord of Hosts to all the sons and daughters of - TopicsExpress


""...Thus says The Lord of Hosts to all the sons and daughters of this, the last generation of men: You have all inherited the error of your fathers! You have altogether become like them! Behold, you have surpassed the sins of ancient Egypt, when I poured out My wrath upon them! Your wickedness has increased beyond every tribe, people, and nation, which has dwelled upon the earth!... THIS GENERATION IS WICKED BEYOND MEASURE! Thus great wrath is stirred up and My indignation has come to the full! My anger is fully aroused and shall surely be poured out!... RECOMPENSE for all nations! RECOMPENSE for all these churches of men who have spoken presumptuously in My name! RECOMPENSE for all these corrupt workers who have done falsely on My behalf!... I HAVE NOT SENT YOU! And you, O peoples of the earth, I have seen how you perform every form of evil at your leisure! You cease not from reveling in that which I hate! Behold, you murder the innocent day and night and plot evil against your neighbor! You stand up for the rights of those who commit abomination and clap your hands as wickedness is celebrated openly in the streets!... O MOST PERVERSE AND ABOMINABLE GENERATION, SHALL I NOT REPAY?!..."" trumpetcallofgodonline/index.php5?title=ABASEMENT
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:55:15 +0000

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