Thy Goddess Ashie foretells thee this, there has been many sacred - TopicsExpress


Thy Goddess Ashie foretells thee this, there has been many sacred and spiritual writings, and within thy sacred writings they contained many divine truths, and are held sacred within different religions. Thy Goddess Ashie she says unto thee, many of thy divine sacred writings pass through thy censoring hands of thy church council, and thereby many writings were deemed unacceptable for thy children on planet earth to know, that pertains to thy spirituality, and thereby were destroyed. However some of thy sacred writing and thy divine truths that were hidden away, would once again rise to thy surface, and some of thy children on thy planet earth would know of these sacred teachings. However many earthlings have not had thy privilege to know of these sacred teachings, as well as many of thy divine hidden glorious mysteries. Let it be known unto thee, it was and is possible for thy beloved children on thy planet earth to know, and to be able to follow thy chosen path, in order to bring about thy perfection to thy body, thy mind, and thy soul, as well as thy higher soul spirit, and thereby being able to break thy wheel of thy reincarnation. Therefore be thee foretold by thy Goddess Ashie, I came to thy planet earth to break thy wheel of reincarnations. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, thy children do not have all of thy spiritual sacred writings, however all of thy earthlings do have thy Holy Bible, for this was and is written by men inspired by thy God and thy Goddess. Blessed Yeshua opened thy doors in order for thy children to perhaps be found worthy to enter into thy kingdom of thy heavens, which is certainly not within this thy galaxy. However many of thy earth children has rejected Yahshua, as well as many prophets, and great teachers that was sent unto them. Many earth children have denied thy female aspect of thy Goddess, however thy Goddess and thy God work in complete and total harmony, and they cannot be divided, for this shall create thy dichotomy within this thy galaxy, for thy balance will not be maintained or sustained. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, it has been prophesied and foretold unto thee that thy Goddess would return to thy planet earth again, bringing unto thy earth children thy sacred and thy divine teachings, that are known unto thy Goddess Ashie, for I am Sophie meaning knowledge therefore thy knowledge is contained within Thy Goddess Ashie. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, thy children should pray often within thy own heart to thy heavenly father, as well as thy mother. They do hear thy prayers even within thy mists of thy Moon light nights. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, thy children thee does not have to go into thy public prayer places, raising thy hands and crying and shouting so everyone can see. Thee shall be still and silent and talk unto thy Father and thy Mother. Thee thy children of planet earth, must listen with thy own ears, as well as with thy own hearts, for thy Ten Commandments must be obeyed. For thy Ten Holy Commandments have now been removed and taken away from within any public places, in order for thee not to recall unto thy own memory how to obey thy laws that were given unto Moses by thy God and thy Goddess. Thy Goddess says unto thee, it is truly sad indeed that some of thy children have removed thy blessed crosses, that Yeshua died upon, for each and everyone of thee, in order for thee to leave this thy planet earth and to transcended, and to rise above into throughout this thy galaxy and into thy faraway and thy distant galaxies. For thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, looks with thy own eyes, as well as looking deep within thy own hearts and thee thy beloved children shall truly see, thy truth is being spoken unto thee within this thy time and thy space. Shall thee continue to turn thy back on thy beloved father, as well as thy beloved mother, as well as thy Christ who came and made many sacrifices for thee. For this is thy greatest sacrifice anyone can make, is to lay down thy own life for all of thy children on thy planet earth. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, will thee continue to turn thy back on all those that has been sent unto thee? Children cannot thee see that thy destroyer only wants to destroy, and thereby bringing destruction unto thee. For I say unto thee, many beloved Christian children all around thy world are being killed as your read this, for 400 Christians are killed every day. Let it be known unto thee, thy Blessed Mother has been, and is being rejected as just being an ordinary woman, but I say unto thee blessed is she, for she is not from this thy planet earth. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, I have looked upon thy planted earth and have seen many, many things are not thy way they should be. Now once again thy Goddess has returned to thy planet earth, to bring unto thee thy truth, that was given unto thee within thy past thy beloved children. Thy Goddess Ashie has once again, returned to thy planet earth to bring thee back, to thy true homeland that is not within this thy galaxy. For thee thy children are truly not earthbound without a way of thy salvation, therefore thy Goddess Ashie shall now make thy Plea unto thee thy children of thy planet earth, if thee can do nothing else, please give thy body, thy mind, and thy soul to your heavenly father, as well as your mother. Thy beloved children thy Blessed son Yeshua sits at thy right hand of thy Blessed heavenly Father. Thy Goddess Ashie says unto thee, Sophie is thy seat of thy wisdom, for she is thy comforter who was promised unto thee. Let it be known unto thee, Sophie is within thy Goddess Ashie. Blessed Be Thy Goddess Ashie
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:15:07 +0000

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