Thyme is on my side, yes it is. -The Rolling Stones If I could - TopicsExpress


Thyme is on my side, yes it is. -The Rolling Stones If I could save thyme in a bottle... -Jim Croce Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme -Simon and Simon & Garfunkel Yes, its Wednesday, and Im in a part of the country thats under threat of dangerous wind shear tonight. But here I am in my weekly haunt of Thyme on Broadway Cafe Etc in beautiful downtown Irvine, Kentucky, where the mountains still kiss the bluegrass. The Kentucky river is not very far from here. Beautiful people of all shapes and sizes, income groups, personalities, and needs live here in Estill County, and I get to pour a little of my life into the lives of some of the beautiful people here in this part of the planet. On Wednesdays I can be found in this relaxing place eating some of the best food in this universe. One thing I like about this restaurant is that I can pull out my laptop, plug it in, and stay here for hours and the time passes so quickly and so pleasantly. Pleasant conversation is always available, but also blessed solitude if that is my preference. Im not sure that theres even a Starbucks that has this much hospitality, although I do appreciate that the S-Bucks is a place of escape for me on a regular basis. I just got off a three-day mini-vacation with wonderful family connections and got to be reacquainted with some of the stomping grounds of my youth. I was reminded that theres nothing like the sound of a babbling brook in Gatlinburg, Tennessee or the sharing of the care and humor of loved ones to put ones life into perspective. Besides experiencing a mini-vacation, I also got to see the recently placed monument that lays atop my mothers grave. The picture of my mothers face is etched on the stone, as well as a short description of her main roles in life, including of course, mother. Thinking of Mom brought back many great memories of the first 34 and a half years of my life. Also, looking at old pictures of my mother as a little girl brought the circle of life to a more complete circle, as I now have a two and a half year old granddaughter, not much younger than my mother was in the picture I saw of her today. I am struck with the brevity of life in a way that almost takes my breath away. I sit here among the made in Kentucky items that surround me in this pleasant restaurant with a settled sense that I am loved, that I have given back from some of what God has given to me, and that, God willing, I will love and give back more in the years that remain, perhaps in ways that I can only imagine. Whether those years are many or few, they will be exceedingly few in the big course of things. Yes, they are exquisitely a gift, no matter how long or short their duration. This life is such an absolute gift that I waver between the side of me that desires to be more of a Thomas Merton contemplative, sitting in contemplative wonder at the expansiveness of God... or perhaps more of a Shane Claiborne activist, living in literal terms the teachings of Jesus on behalf of those less fortunate, or perhaps more of a N.T. Wright Bible teacher, opening peoples minds to clearer biblical understanding... or perhaps more of a M. Scott Peck therapist, skillfully and patiently sitting with people as they find their way out of the morass of our common human frailty. So I guess Ill just be me. Theres a part of me in each of the four role models listed above, and God has taken just enough of each of them to weave together someone that on my good days I recognize and hopefully value the way God does. Jesus called me to be on his team, and thats enough to make me grateful. Im grateful for all the lovely people in my life, both by birth and by spiritual association. And Im grateful for that sense of call that grabbed hold of me at a young age and has never let me go. And you know what? Theres a good chance that Jesus calls you, too. No, not to be like me, but to be on Jesus team in the unique way God has made you and gifted you and has placed you in your life. Theres a kazillion ways you can make a difference in this world by being the self he has created you to be, especially as you have a sense that you are called you to be that person on his team, in the Jesus way. The Jesus way. Its not a burden. Not a weight. Its a joy. A grace. So today, no matter whats going on in your world, I wish you love. I wish you joy. In other words, I wish you the accompaniment of Jesus on your journey. Or perhaps I should say, your accompaniment on his. By simply walking with the first century Palestinian Jew who was inhabited by God more than God inhabited anyone else in human history, you can shine in ways you can barely imagine. God can take you on a journey of epic proportions. In a way that only you can do, you can, cooperating with God, change the world. As the wonderful hymn singer Cynthia Clawson sang a few decades ago, He did special things with water and new wine. He made the leper whole and he caused the blind to see. And then you know what else he did? He came to live in me. Yes, lifes a miracle. And Jesus helps it to all make sense. And after a few short days of life spent with family and the beauty of Gods creation, it makes just a little more sense than it did just a few days ago. Thanks be to God.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 22:25:47 +0000

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