Thyroid cancer rates detected in Fukushima children..there have - TopicsExpress


Thyroid cancer rates detected in Fukushima children..there have been 18 confirmed cases of thyroid cancer and 25 more suspected cases... That was 6 months ago... Now, there are 1084 confirmed cases of malignant cancer in children under the age of 6 years old. That isn’t counting the number of children who have confirmed cases of ‘cysts’ on their thyroid. The Sixth Report of Fukushima Prefecture Health Management Survey, released in April, included examinations of 38,114 children, of whom 35.3 percent - some 13,460 children - were found to have cysts or nodules of up to 5 mm (0.197 inches) on their thyroids. A further 0.5 percent, totaling 186 youngsters, had nodules larger than 5.1 mm (0.2 inches). Yes, 35.8 percent of children in the study have lumps or cysts, but this is not the same as cancer, said Naomi Takagi, an associate professor at Fukushima University Medical School Hospital, which administered the tests. Forty-four percent of Fukushimas children are afflicted with thyroid cysts. Those children also suffer from severe nosebleeds and skin rashes. Each child carries a shining glass radiation badge hanging from his or her book bag. When asked, the children cheerfully explained the purpose of their radiation badges. To warn us about the radiation in the playground, they said. Will we get leukemia and die? they asked, as if they were asking if they could go to the park and play. The rate of live births in the Fukushima prefecture is down by 30%. The birth defect rate is up by 33%. Over all of Japan there is an additional 60,000 people who have died since the Fukushima accident above the original 22,000 from the earthquake and resulting tsunami. The latest in frightening discoveries is that TEPCO, the power company and corporate juggernaut behind Fukushima, has continually under-reported just how much radiation is leaking from the “storage tanks” containing highly radioactive water. They didn’t just fudge a few numbers or soften the scare-factor by reassuring people with careful language—they downright lied. And they did it deliberately. The radiation leakage has been downplayed by 95% as well as exactly what KIND of radiation that is leaking. Hospital staff are told to tell patients that come in with radiation poisoning symptoms that they have heat stroke and to stay in cool areas. They are told they have the flu. More than 350,000 people have been told this over the last 6 months. Parents with children are crying and begging medical professionals for help with their sick children in their arms. Up until Nov. 3rd 2013 the Japanese government has reported the radiation levels way to low to cause these symptoms and cyst, so they cannot be related to the Fukushima accident because the results are too soon and too severe. Starting on Nov. 3rd reports have leaked out raising the severity of the radiation leaks by more than 3000%. It is now estimated by the Japanese Nuclear regulation committee that the amount of radiation that has leaked from Fukushima to date (Nov. 3rd) is 800 times more than in all of the nuclear testing and bombs ever created in the world. It has also been exposed that the Fukushima reactor 3 was using Plutonium 241 and 244 instead of Uranium. On the day of the melt down (March 11, 2011) reactor 3 exploded releasing an unknown amount of Plutonium into the air and surrounding ground. The whereabouts of the number 3 core are unknown at this time, but it is believed to have melted into the ground beneath the reactor building.. This is totally unknown territory, we have no way to measure the temperature because we cannot get anything close enough to it to do so, but even if it was possible to get close enough it is likely that there is no technology known to mankind that could measure such a temperature [...] It appears that the very elements themselves are burning and adding to this reaction. As if this is NOT enough, we now know that the Japanese government AND the United Nations inspector knew the conditions and actions that were occurring in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility prior to the accident. Sources: naturalsociety/fukushima-radiation-levels-95-percent-higher-reported-tepco/#ixzz2jwOYxqy9 huffingtonpost/evaggelos-vallianatos/the-nuclear-meltdown-at-f_b_4209766.html As well as private correspondences with a Japanese surgeon, a teacher, and a scientist who was hired by the Japanese government to control the information. These people have asked to remain anonymous.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:14:04 +0000

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