Tier 1: Maokai, Khazix, Ryze, Orianna, Tristana, Syndra, Zed, - TopicsExpress


Tier 1: Maokai, Khazix, Ryze, Orianna, Tristana, Syndra, Zed, Lucian, Yasuo, Rumble, Alistar, Lee Sin, Twitch, Zilean, Nami, Janna, Thresh, Nidalee Tier 2: Ahri, Elise, Kayle, Jarvan IV, Corki, Irelia, Braum, Xerath, Lulu, KogMaw, Rengar, Jayce, Caitlyn, Tier 3: Fizz, Leona, Twisted Fate, Eve, Ziggs, Kassadin, Rammus, Nunu, Talon, Jinx, Morgana, Katarina, Mundo, Nocturne, Jax, Shyvanna, Malphite, Karma, Changes 10/6/2014 Rumble moved up to tier 1 - Even though it was fairly obvious he was becoming a power house in worlds I didnt wanna shoot his rank up to tier 1 right away. I think weve seen more than enough Rumble now to say he is defiantly worthy of tier 1. Hes been one of the most contested top lanes going into worlds due to his good 2v1, good 1v1, and his great team fighting abilities. Well placed ultimates from Rumble are single handedly winning games for teams and you gotta respect that. Twitch moved up to tier 1 - Twitch was in a similar position with Rumble where I was waiting to see how more games played out before shooting up his ranking. The power of a late game twitch getting a well placed ultimate is just devastating. His laning isnt the best but coming into mid game with decent farm hes a threat that just continues to scale. In team fights you either focus him or pay the price. I believe well continue to see this ADC be picked and banned coming into these final games. Nidalee moved down to tier 2 - Shes been less and less viable as worlds has gone on. She came into worlds as a highly contested pick but as the games and teams have moved on shes not winning as much and shes not even on the radar for a lot of teams now. She is still great at lane domination but I dont believe shes worthy of T1 anymore. Other top laners are just doing it better then she can when it comes to team fighting which is what these worlds has really been about. If we see a split meta come back more into style I am sure well see Nidalee on the rise again but when the meta isnt about sitting in lane she fails to be sought after by many teams. Braum moved up in tier 2 - I believe I had our favorite friendly shield giant just a bit too low. Granted he hasnt been a highly contested support pick I still believe hes a very powerful support offering a well rounded kit for team fighting and laning. Because of this I am moving him up a bit. Jayce moved up to tier 2 - Now I had Jayce in T3 because I have personally always loved Jayce and the few times Ive seen him in competitive play hes always done pretty good. Seeing him be successful brought a smile to my face as I believed he was a stronger pick then T3. Now I may be wrong to move him up to tier 2 but I feel going into these last 3 rounds of BO5s well be seeing Jayce played a few times. Hes got great poke, good team fighting, and a pretty solid laning phase. If we see a few more mid champions get nerfed I think Jayce would start to be a highly contested pick. Malphite moved down in tier 3 - Even though Calitrolz is really the only player right now making him look good or even playing him I felt he was a little too high. He might gain some more popularity coming into next seasons LCS or some off season tournaments but for now I am going to put him a little lower. I however do not believe he should be taken off the tier list because I feel hes still has a lot of potential to be a good pick in a lot of situations. So hes not going to be removed but hell be taking a step backwards on the list. Corki moved up in tier 2 - Now I dont want to move Corki up to tier 1 because I dont feel hes quite there right now, however he does have a lot of successful laning phases and scaling vs a lot of the popular ADCs right now. Hes not your #1 pick, but hes still a great vs all the top ADCs. Nunu moved up in tier 3 - Sort of like Malphite hes not really seeing too much play outside of NA but I still feel Nunu has a lot of potential to come back as a highly contested jungler threat. He counter jungles great, he fits the meta for hyper carries with his W, and his zoning control is fantastic. Hes a great utility jungler who I feel is very underrated in this meta. Due to him not being picked at all I wont be moving him up from tier 3, just a little bit higher. Talon moved down to tier 3 - Even though hes still not fully nerfed in worlds yet (could be wrong) he just isnt seeing as much action as he was when we first got started with worlds / end of LCS. Sort of like Nidalee teams are simply moving away from him and picking other champions who they feel do better with. If Talon isnt being contested at all then theres no point in having him higher. For now hell go down to tier 3. Alistar moved down in tier 1 - Only slightly, Just moved some champs around for accuracy. Irelia moved down in tier 2 - Only slightly, Just moved some champs around for accuracy. Rengar moved up in tier 2 - Only slightly, Just moved some champs around for accuracy. TOP SOLO QUEUE CHAMPION LIST (no specific order) 1.) Zed (mid) 2.) Nidalee (top) 3.) Syndra (mid) 4.) Maokai (top) 5.) Janna (support) 6.) Thresh (support) 7.) Tristana (adc) 8.) Lucian 9.) (adc) Khazix (jungle) 10.) Elise (jungle) 11.) Ryze (top / mid) 12. Fiddlesticks (jungle) 13. Braum (support) 14. Janna (support) 15. Caitlyn (adc) 16. Rengar (jungle) Changes: Removed Talon - Those nerfs hurt him pretty badly for solo queue dominance. I dont feel like hes someone I should reccomned to players trying to climb solo queue anymore unless youre a Talon god. Removed Morgana - While she is easy to use and can be very successful I dont feel like she can carry as hard as she used too due to Riots need to nerf caster supports. Added Janna - She does surprisingly well in solo queue and has done pretty decently before. She now has the tools to actually carry games (as long as your team has half a brain on how to carry) you can kite and peel so your carries can dish out the much needed damage to win the game. Added Rengar - Even after getting nerfed so many times hes still a great jungle pick. The ability to literally pounce from the darkness on unsuspecting foes is an awesome advantage to have when playing solo queue. He snowballs hard and carries when you do so. All things great for solo queue. **** READ BEFORE COMMENTING **** This is a tier list that focuses on competitive play so it will not reflect solo queue at all. These arent in perfect order but I tried my best to list them in terms of strength and picking power. Picking power is their ability to be openly picked with little to no counters while giving you the ability to hide the rest of your composition to allow your team mates to counter pick other roles or build off of said champion picked. I hope you enjoy my little tier list I threw together. If I am missing anything here let me know in the comments and most of all TELL ME WHY so we can discuss my reasoning or maybe even prove me wrong T1 - These champions are almost all great first picks or great bans. Some can be played in multiple roles while others dominate lanes or team fights. Some champions here are what I like to call Great open picks as they have little to no counters and leave your team mates open to counter pick other roles / lanes. Either way every champion in T1 excels at what they do and can fit into any team comp or can have comps built around them. Youll see these champions usually cover all of the bans and be picked in the 1-3 slots. T2 - Champions in this tier are also great picks and sometimes pull bans due to their strength. They round out team comps very well but dont pull as much weight as the T1 champs do in terms of role flexibility and overall team composition power. Most of these champions are good open picks that allow you to go into lane safely while also allowing you to hide another roles champion so they can counter pick more effectively. Youll commonly see these as your 2-4 picks. T3 - In tier 3 resides a lot of champions that have the potential to be amazing but need the right mix of champions on their team, or they need other stronger picks to be picked or banned for them to see the light of day. These champions arent necessarily bad but they dont hold the picking power that the other champions do. Youll see these champions usually picked in the 4-5 spots as theyre great counter picks or other viable sources to fill and round out team comps.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:21:38 +0000

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