Tier 1: Maokai, Khazix, Ryze, Tristana, Nidalee, Syndra, Zed, - TopicsExpress


Tier 1: Maokai, Khazix, Ryze, Tristana, Nidalee, Syndra, Zed, Lucian, Alistar, Yasuo, Lee Sin, Orianna, Nami, Janna, Thresh, Lulu Tier 2: Xerath, Elise, Zilean, Braum, Kayle, Corki, Kog, Talon, Dr Mundo, Ahri, Caitlyn, Jarvan IV, Twitch, Rengar, Morgana, Nunu, Tier 3: Fizz, Leona, Rumble, Irelia, Twisted Fate, Malphite, Eve, Ziggs, Katarina, Amumu, Nocturne, Jayce, Jax, Shyvanna, Akali, Swain, Karma, Nasus, Changes 9/22/2014 lots of changes Rumble added to tier 3 - This little yordle has proven to be much stronger than previously thought. Worlds has really opened up a lot of champions to the meta and Rumble is defiantly worthy of the competitive tier list. Ziggs moved down to tier 3 - While nothing really changed about Ziggs he really isnt that sought after of a pick right now. Hes still very viable in the meta but because people dont necessarily want to pick him he can be held off on when prioritizing other picks. Nunu moved down to tier 2 - This was a hard one for me to do because in NA LCS and in the challenger NA scene Nunu was a must pick / ban for a while. Coming into worlds we havent seen a lot of him though. I dont feel like his power or what he does has changed (because it hasnt) he did however compliment the hyper-carry meta pretty nicely with his W but that meta has just shifted slightly putting focus on other champions. I believe he is still a very strong pick which is why I am moving him down to tier 2. He might show up later in the other group stages but, well just have to wait and see. Kog moved down to tier 2 - Pretty much the same treatment Nunu and Ziggs are getting. Its not because of anything other than the meta shifting a bit and focusing being put onto other champions. The super hyper carry meta with Kog and Trist being must picks and bans has shifted out a bit and now were seeing more Lucian, Cait, Twitch, all come back into the scene. Twitch moved up to tier 2 - Speaking of hyper carries falling off, this one has sneaked back into the meta. His laning phase isnt as strong as most, but his gank potential on other lanes combined with some supreme late game carrying abilities make him a real threat. He isnt going to be your first choice all the time but if you got a good lane match up Twitch can really carry. Caitlyn added to tier 2 - Its almost like everyone forgot about Caitlyn in the hyper carry meta because well, she doesnt hyper carry. With that meta coming to and end the era of the lane bully is back. Lucian does a very good job at this but no one bullies lanes like a well played Caitlyn can. Katarina added to tier 3 - Now heres someone I didnt think Id be added to the list anytime soon but low and behold here I am doing it. Ive always seen her in solo queue having quite a bit of success. Even if the other teams has a decent amount of CC a good Katarina can still snowball early and be a real pain in the ass to deal with late game. After seeing her played in a Khazix, Kayle, Katarina comp I was really impressed at what she could do in worlds. Now I dont think shes going to be sought after too much or it might just be a handful of players that can use her but when the other team doesnt have a lot of CC and you want to run a reset comp, she can be absolutely devastating. Fizz moved up in tier 3 - I was contemplating adding him to tier 2 but he really does just feel like a counter pick. Picking him blindly wont do his team any good because he also has a lot of counters. The thing about him though is he actually has a lot of champions he counters. I feel he deserved to be a bit higher in T3. Lee Sin moved up to tier 1 - Before this week I had moved Lee Sin to the bottom of tier 2. I thought his nerfs impacted him WAY more then they actually did because that hasnt stopped nearly half the teams in worlds so far from picking him and winning with him. Our blind monk still has some kick to him evidently. It was my mistake to move him so low, but back to the top Lee sin shall go. Janna moved up to tier 1 - This was another surprisingly strong pick that didnt really show up in NA until the last few weeks. She had been more popular around the world but the LCS still wasnt that interested in her. This list usually reflects some parts of the world but mostly NA LCS, but shes been proving that she can lane and team fight just as good as a Nami, Thresh, or Braum can on a world scale. Shes even starting to be banned and because of that I am moving her up to tier 1. Rengar moved up to tier 2 - This big bad meow was a huge threat for a long time but up until more recently he received some nerfs. People thought he wasnt as good as some other junglers but again hes proving that hes still a very strong pick, just not a tier 1 pick. I feel tier 3 was too low for him so I am moving him up to tier 2. Jinx moved down to tier 3 - Shes still really good IMO, but people arent prioritizing her over the other current ADCs. I think shes a time and place pick in this meta. She was decent in the hyper-carry meta but again the meta has shifted away from that leaving her a little less prioritized. Eve moved up in tier 3 - I feel I had her a little too low in T3. Wanted to move her up and its my list AND YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO! But for real she deserved to be higher than she was. Irelia moved up in tier 3 - Same as Eve. Looked a bit out of place and I feel shes one of the stronger overall T3 picks. Considering moving her up to tier 2 once the top lane meta shifts again. Nasus moved down in tier 3 - Hes mostly just a Maokai counter pick with a few other good lanes. He didnt deserve to be that high on the tier list. Khazix moved up in tier 1 - Pretty much the uncontested best jungler in the world right now. Every region clamors to have him on their team. Girls wanna be with him, and guys wanna be him. Hes moving up in the world, but only slightly. Tristana moved down in tier 1 - As Ive been talking about the hyper-carry meta Trist has been the queen of the hyper carries for a few patches now. Prior to this when she had more of her buffs vs the recent nerfs she was also a lot stronger of a overall pick. She could fit into any team comp with a solid laning phase and a solid late game. She is still one of the strongest if not the strongest ADC but you must remember this list reflects a champions strength, and their pick potential for competitive play. Shes only moving down a bit. Morgana moved down to tier 2 - Now It saddens me to do this but with the meta shifting slightly and Morgs recent baby nerfs comboed with the utter destruction of Frost Fang (RIP Caster Supports 2014 Jan - August 2014) she just isnt a tier 1 pick anymore. Even though she hasnt shown up for worlds (maybe I missed it) I feel shes still worthy of at least being a T2 support. I feel she might just be having a Rengar / Lee Sin syndrome here when a champion gets nerfed a bit everyone decides that theyre garbage until proven otherwise. Well I feel shell come back once people realize 3 second snare and a magic denying shield are still pretty damn good. Nidalee moved up in tier 1 - Moving her up slightly. Syndra moved down in tier 1 - I feel shes still an incredible mid laner, just moving her down to get a more accurate list. Kayle moved up in tier 2 - Kayles been floating up and down between buffs and nerfs. Riot cant really decide what they want to do with her but her most recent changes were some slight buffs which a few teams in worlds have been using with success. I dont feel shes quite T1 worthy but I do feel shes a very strong well rounded pick in the current top lane meta. For this I am moving her up. Zed moved up in in tier 1 - Same thing as Syndra, just going up versus going down. Vi removed from list - I feel it was a mistake to add her to this list. Someone convinced me of her but after relooking at this list I dont see a need for her to be on it. Yes shes good and yes she stomps solo queue a lot of the time, but when talking about a competitive tier list you really only gotta talk about the champions that are impacting the competitive scene and she hasnt shown up (besides from Turkeys team Dark Passage) who didnt have any success with her either. RIP Vi. Top solo queue champions (no specific order) 1.) Talon (mid) 2.) Nidalee (top) 3.) Syndra (mid) 4.) Maokai (top) 5.) Morgana (support) 6.) Thresh (support) 7.) Tristana (adc) 8.) Lucian 9.) (adc) Khazix (jungle) 10.) Elise (jungle) 11.) Ryze (top / mid) 12. Fiddlesticks (jungle) 13. Braum (support) 14. Janna (support) 15. Caitlyn (adc) Changes: Added Janna Added Caitlyn I will add more information to this list as it progresses. For now here at the top 15 champions I feel will give you the best edge in solo queue. They are listed in no specific order, more as a blank statement to what I feel is good for each role to climb with. **** READ BEFORE COMMENTING **** This is a tier list that focuses on competitive play so it will not reflect solo queue at all. These arent in perfect order but I tried my best to list them in terms of strength and picking power. Picking power is their ability to be openly picked with little to no counters while giving you the ability to hide the rest of your composition to allow your team mates to counter pick other roles or build off of said champion picked. I hope you enjoy my little tier list I threw together. If I am missing anything here let me know in the comments and most of all TELL ME WHY so we can discuss my reasoning or maybe even prove me wrong T1 - These champions are almost all great first picks or great bans. Some can be played in multiple roles while others dominate lanes or team fights. Some champions here are what I like to call Great open picks as they have little to no counters and leave your team mates open to counter pick other roles / lanes. Either way every champion in T1 excels at what they do and can fit into any team comp or can have comps built around them. Youll see these champions usually cover all of the bans and be picked in the 1-3 slots. T2 - Champions in this tier are also great picks and sometimes pull bans due to their strength. They round out team comps very well but dont pull as much weight as the T1 champs do in terms of role flexibility and overall team composition power. Most of these champions are good open picks that allow you to go into lane safely while also allowing you to hide another roles champion so they can counter pick more effectively. Youll commonly see these as your 2-4 picks. T3 - In tier 3 resides a lot of champions that have the potential to be amazing but need to right mix of champions before they become truly effective. Sometimes they need champions banned out before they can be picked or sometimes they need a champion picked so they may counter it (Nasus vs Maokai, Akali vs Yasuo etc..) These champions arent necessarily bad but they dont hold the picking power that the other champions do. Youll see these champions usually picked in the 4-5 spots as theyre great counter picks or other viable sources to fill and round out team comps.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:47:02 +0000

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