Till My Heart Stops Beating Part 35 I opened my eyes to find - TopicsExpress


Till My Heart Stops Beating Part 35 I opened my eyes to find Justin asleep. “Justinnnn.” I whispered loudly. He didn’t flinch. “Justinnnn.” I said a little louder. “Huuuhhh?” he asked his eyes still closed. “Wake up.” I replied. “I’m asleep.” Justin replied his eyes still closed. “Yup, every normal person has a conversation in their sleep.” I responded. “You’re asleep too and you just don’t know it.” he answered. “I’m pretty sure I’m awake.” I said and laughed. “Then wake me up.” Justin said with his eyes still closed. “You are awake.” I replied. “No, not awake enough. I think I’ll go back to sleep.” he said. “Okay.” I replied, knowing he wanted me to kiss him, but I wasn’t going to. “You know you can wake me up if you want.” he said. “Naaahhhh.” I answered with a smile on my face. “Fine, I’m going back to sleep.” he said turning over to the other side. “I thought you were ‘asleep?’” I asked. He didn’t answer so I got up and showered. I changed into: polyvore/cgi/set?id=23001004 and straightened my hair. I walked back out into the room to find Justin actually asleep this time. It was 9:56. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He sat straight up and opened his eyes wide. “Look who’s awake.” I said and grinned. “I would’ve been up earlier if you woke me up.” he replied. I shook my head at him. “Okay okay. I’m up.” Justin said and stood up. “Good.” I answered. “Don’t I get a good morning?” he asked. “Good morning.” I said knowing that’s not what he meant. “You know what I mean.” he said walking up to me. “You need help.” I replied and grinned. He shrugged. I leaned in and kissed him then pulled away after 10 seconds. “Alright, I’m fully awake. Unless, if I say I’m not you’ll kiss me again?” Justin asked. “Try it.” I replied and grinned. “I’m not awake.” he said. I walked over to my bed, grabbed my pillow, and hit him on the head with it. “You’re mean.” he said with a smile on his face. “A I love you too!” I said and hugged him. “But, I love you.” he said and hugged me back. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. “So what are we up to today?” I asked. “Beach.” he replied. “Okay.” I said and smiled. “I think I’m gonna shower.” Justin said walking towards the bathroom. “Wait…” I said walking towards him. “Yes?” he asked smiling. I leaned in and kissed him. “Alright, go now.” I said and smiled. He nodded smiling and went to shower. I grabbed a bikini, and put my clothes back on over it. I grabbed my iPod and walked into the living room listening to it. “Alyssssssa.” Christian said. “Chrisssssstian.” I replied. “Wazzzzzzzzzzup?!” he asked. “Mussssssic. Yoooou?” I replied. “Nooooothing chilllllling.” he said laughing. “Hey Alyssa.” Ryan said. “Aaaaaay.” I replied. Chaz waved. “Why is everyone saying hey to me?” I asked laughing. They all shrugged. Justin walked into the living room with his bathing suit on and no shirt on. “Beach?” Christian asked. Justin gave him the ‘no really?!’ look. I took out my headphones and put my iPod on a table. “Aren’t you going to put a bathing suit on?” Justin asked me, walking towards me. “Actually, I already have one on UNDER my clothes so I don’t have all of you staring at me when I walk out here.” I said rolling my eyes. All of them started cracking up. The guys were already showered, but they had to get their bathing suits. So, they left to put them on. I smelt cologne. It smelt really good. “What are you smelling?” Justin asked me, laughing. “I smell something good.” I replied. “Like what?” he asked. I sniffed him. “It’s you.” I responded, laughing. “That’s good.” he said with a grin on his face. The guys came running back in, ready. “Be ready at between 7 and 8 so we can pick you up.” Pattie said sternly. We all nodded and boarded off the bus. I ran to the beach, the first one touching the sand. “Someone’s happy today.” Justin said. I nodded and sat down on the sand. “It’s wicked hot out today!” I said. “Yeah, I know.” Justin replied. “I’m going in.” I said standing up. I took off my shirt and shorts so I had my bathing suit on. “Stop staring!” I said to Justin. He smiled, but didn’t listen. I sprinted into the water and dove in. When I came up, Justin was right beside me. “How’d you get there?” I asked. He shrugged. “I’m good at confusing people.” I said with a grin. “How?” Justin asked. “Huh?” I said “What?” he asked “What?” I replied “Who?” I said laughing “Huh?” Justin asked. “Exactly.” I replied cracking up. “Alright, that was confusing.” Justin said shaking his head. “Huh?” I asked. “Not falling for it again.” he replied smiling. I stuck my tongue out at him. “Want to go for a walk on the beach?” Justin asked me. I nodded and smiled. We told the guys then started walking hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. “Wanna know what I noticed?” I asked suddenly. “What?” he said. “That barely anyone knows we’re going out.” I replied. “It’s time to make it public.” he said. “If you want to…” I said. “I do, I love you.” Justin replied, looking at me. “I love you too.” I said. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. “How are you going to make it public?” I asked. “Easy. Twitter. One thing you need to know that rumors will go around and you’ll probably be on the cover of a lot of magazines.” he replied looking concerned. “I can handle that.” I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and put his head on top of mine. “Do you still wear that ring I got you?” he asked me. “Of course. I haven’t taken it off since that day.” I said and held up my hand to show him. Justin pulled me into a hug. “So what’s your full name?” I asked even though I already knew. “Justin Drew Bieber. And yours?” he answered. “Alyssa Jane (any last name).” I replied. We talked still walking for a few hours then a question came to my mind. The sky was getting darker. “If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?” I asked him. “You’re perfect the way you are. Not now, but one day if I could change one thing it would be your last name.” Justin said looking over at me. That was one of the nicest thing someone had ever said to me. I looked up and him and gave him a huge smile. “I love you.” he said looking right into my eyes. “I love you too.” I answered. He leaned in and kissed me. It turned into making out. We made out for about 10 minutes and then I pulled away smiling. Suddenly, Justin’s smile dropped. “Oh crap, it’s after 7:30 deffinetly.” he said. We turned around and looked back. We’d gone so far. “No choice but to run.” I replied. It was gonna take awhile. We started running back to find our stuff and to see if the bus was there. After about 30min of running and still seeing nothing, I got tired. “You alright?” Justin asked me slowing down. “Tired or running.” I replied. Justin picked me up bridal style and began running. After about ANOTHER half hour of running Justin came to a stop. “I found our stuff.” he said placing me down. We walked over to our stuff. Justin picked up his phone and I looked over his shoulder. It was 8:45 and he had 5 missed calls. The guys were gone. Justin called his mom and put it on speaker. Phone Pattie: Justin! I’ve called you 5 times it’s 8:45 I told you to be ready between 7 and 8! Justin: Me and Alyssa were walking on the beach and went really far and didn’t know the time. Pattie: Well are you back where your stuff is? Justin: Yup. Pattie: Are you sure all you did was walk and talk? Justin: Mom! Pattie: Well we’ll be there in 5 minutes. Better be ready this time. Bye. Justin: Bye. The beach breeze was cold. Justin threw me the sweatshirt he had packed. I threw on the gray zip up sweatshirt and waited with Justin’s arm around me. The bus finally arrived and we got on. 15+ likes for the next part♥ Klαυdy Belieber
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 18:29:23 +0000

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