Till My Heart Stops Beating Part 38 I pulled away and looked - TopicsExpress


Till My Heart Stops Beating Part 38 I pulled away and looked down. “How do I know you didn’t just do that to Caitlin?” I asked. “I didn’t.” Justin replied and sighed. “Whatever.” I said and buried my face in the pillows. I hand went on my back. “Alyssa, you know I love you.” he said. I sat up. “But how do I know that you don’t love her, too?” I asked. I hated being in fights with Justin because I loved him so much. “I love you and only you.” he responded. “Whatever, you can go have fun, I’m gonna stay up here for a little longer.” I said. “Are you sure?” Justin asked. I nodded and he stood up and walked out the door, closing it behind him. I sighed and layed down. I could tell he was telling the truth, but it still kinda hurt that he said that. It was probably just an accident. I felt gross and I wanted to shower. I got up and showered then changed into: polyvore/untitled/set?id=23144445 and straightened my hair. I put on extra lipgloss and a little more mascara. I wasn’t mad at Justin anymore, it was just a mistake. I walked down the stairs to find everyone in the kitchen. There was music blasting. Everyone turned to me. How did they hear me come downstairs? “Hey, look who’s back from the dead.” Ryan said laughing. “Hey, look who’s about to take a trip to the dead.” I replied with a grin on my face. Justin was staring at me. I could see in his eyes he was questioning if I had forgiven him. I took out my phone and texted him: Texts Me: forgiven :) Justin: u sure? Me: yup :) Justin: ok :) End “Stop texting each other.” Chaz said laughing. “Pfft..psssh…we’re not!” I replied laughing. “Pssh..pffft..you are!” he replied. I rolled my eyes at Chaz. I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a soda. Two arms went around me and hugged me around my waist tightly. “Who?” I asked smiling, knowing it was Justin. “Your mom.” Justin replied laughing. “I would be freaked out if my mom did that.” I said laughing. “That’d be freaky.” he said and let go of me. We walked back over to everyone else. The song Rude Boy came on by Rihanna. Me and Caitlin looked at each other and started singing it. I started laughing really hard and stopped singing. “Caitlin, why are we singing this?!” I asked laughing. “I don’t know but all I know is it sounds really wrong.” she replied cracking up. “Agreed.” I responded. All the boys were staring at us like we were crazy. Me and Caitlin looked at each other again and started singing again. I started laughing so hard I fell on the ground. Everyone was laughing at this point. When I tried to get up, I would fall down laughing. “Alyssa are you drunk?” Ryan asked me. I tried to get up again but fell on the ground laughing. I shook my head. I crawled over to the table and pulled myself up, laughing. “Alright, I’m okay. THANKS FOR THE HELP.” I said sarcastically. “Your welcome.” Christian replied. I rolled my eyes at him. He rolled his eyes back. “Christian is being mean.” I said and backed into Justin. “What’d he do?” Justin asked laughing. “What?! She rolled her eyes at me first!” Christian said. “I’m kidding.” I replied and laughed. I decided to text Caitlin even though she was right there: Texts Me: wanna like go outside then pull a prank or something? :) Caitlin: duuuh! :D but whats our excuse of going outside? Me: umm you left something in the car! Caitlin: alright :) End “Oh crap, I left something in the car.” Caitlin said fighting a smile. “I’ll go with you!” I volunteered. We walked outside and closed the front door behind us. Both of us started cracking up. “So what’s gonna be the prank?” Caitlin asked. “Hmmm..OH! Well, you know if we’re out here for a long they will come and check on us. Since it’s like pitch black, we can like keep scaring them by like throwing stuff and like that! We’ll be hidden!” I replied and smiled. “Alright, cool.” she said laughing. We hid behind a bush and I made sure my phone was on vibrate. After a couple of minutes we heard the front door open and the voices of all the boys. “Alyssa? Caitlin?” Justin called. I was about to laugh but Caitlin out her hand over my mouth. I threw a rock out out of the bush. We heard a few whispers coming from them. Caitlin threw another rock. “Guys, not funny. Come out from where you are.” Ryan’s voice said. We didn’t listen. I ruffled the bush a little bit. “Dude, this is creepy.” Christian said. I knocked over a shovel that was behind me. “I think we should go back inside.” Chaz said nervously. “No, I’m not leaving my girl out here.” Justin replied. I almost said ‘awwww!’ out loud, but kept silent. Caitlin threw out a stick. “Okay, now this is getting creepy.” Justin said. Me and Caitlin started whispering things in a scary whisper. They weren’t actually words, they just sounded creepy. “Guys seriously come out! You got us!” Ryan said nervously. I cracked a stick in to a bunch of pieces. Ryan let out a scream. “Suck it up.” Justin said to Ryan. I threw a rock and it hit Justin’s shoe. “Okay, never mind I don’t think I’m sucking it up either.” he said nervousluy. I almost started dying laughing. Caitlin texted me: Texts Caitlin: their backs are faced to us, go jump on justins back he’ll scream like a girl :) Me: okay right now?! Caitlin: yes right now! Me: okay :) End Their backs were all faced to the bush we were behind. I quietly stood up and brushed off the grass on me. I ran and jumped on Justin’s back. He started screaming. “What’s on my back?!” he asked. All the guys were laughing. “HEY!!?!?!” he said and looked back at me. “Hi!” I replied and laughed. Justin placed me down on the ground. “You?!?!” he asked. “Nooo it’s not me.” I said sarcastically. “Pssh, I wasn’t scared.” he said looking the other way. I imitated his scream. “Haha, dude that was funny!” Chaz said laughing. “All of you shouldn’t be talking. I could hear you from back there.” I responded laughing. They all let out ‘pffts’ and pffs’. “Guys are ridiculaus. They can’t admit being scared. They try to act tough.” I said laughing. “Not true!” Christian said. “Oh puuuhhleaase.” I said and rolled my eyes. “Whoa whoa whoa. Where’s Caitlin?” Christian asked. “Right back-never mind. Here comes the revenge of Caitlin.” I said laughing. She wasn’t behind the bush. “Be right back.” I said planning to go look for her. “I’m coming with.” Justin replied. “No, you’re too scared.” I said and smiled. “Alright, go alone.” he replied and smiled. I started walking around the yard. “Caitlin, where are you?” I whispered loudly. “Right here.” she said coming out from behind a tree. “He screamed like a girl.” I whispered laughing. “I heard. Ready for prank #2?” she asked laughing. “What’s that?” I said. “They’re in the front yard waiting for us. There’s eggs in the refrigerator and a window up there.” she responded laughing. I nodded and we ran inside grabbing the eggs then running upstairs. We made sure to keep the light off and we opened the window. Looking down, we saw them still standing there. “Here goes nothing.” I said laughing. I grabbed an egg and aimed it the cement. It landed right in the center smearing all over the ground. “WHAT THE?!?!?!” he screamed. Caitlin dropped an egg on Ryan’s head. “Is there like a bird’s nest falling apart?” Ryan asked. Me and Caitlin chuckled. “They are so dead.” Justin said. The sky broke out and it began pouring. The boys ran inside. “Uh oh…” I said. I reached for the light but it wouldn’t turn on. “Power is out.” I said panicking. “Hide!” Caitlin whisper-yelled. We ran behind the couch in the upstairs lounge. There were footsteps fastly coming near. “The freaking power went out.” Ryan said. A flash of lightning went off. The guys were in the same room as us. My phone was up against the wall and vibrated loudly. Oh crap, I thought. I couldn’t see anything so they could be right there for all I knew. I tried crawling but I knocked into something. It felt like a person’s knee. “Owww!” I yelled. “Sorry.” Christian said. “Found them.” Ryan said. I stood up and started walking. I once again knocked my forehead into something. It felt like someone else’s forehead. “Owwww!” me and that person said at the same time. It was Justin’s voice. 20+ likes for the next one♥ Klαυdy Belieber
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:05:34 +0000

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