Till my heart stops beating Part 26 The second I woke up I - TopicsExpress


Till my heart stops beating Part 26 The second I woke up I screamed; “WE’RE GOING TO THE BAHAMAS TOMORROW!” and I started jumping up and down on Justin’s bed. His eyes fluttered then they completely opened. “Someone’s excited.” he said and smiled. “Someone got the best present ever from the best boyfriend ever.” I replied. “Someone loves you.” Justin said. “Someone loves you, too.” I answered. I began jumping up and down again. “You’re shaking my bed.” Justin said and looked up at me. “That sounded so wrong.” I said and giggled. “Exactly.” he responded and smiled. “Jump with me!” I said and grabbed Justin’s arm. He pretended to fall back asleep. I was strong enough, so I pulled him up. “Fine.” he said and started jumping. Pattie walked into the doorway. “I’m home! And I heard lots of banging up here so I was just checking, but you guys are just jumping. Excited for the Bahamas, huh?” she said and smiled. “Yeah! And I have the best boyfriend ever!” I said and smiled. “That’s me.” Justin said and smiled. “JUMP AROUND!” I said and jumped higher than ever. “Well, when you guys are done, breakfast is ready.” Pattie said and left the room. “WOOOOOOOOOO!” I said and fell on my back on Justin’s bed. “You’re hyper.” Justin said and chuckled. “Yeah, actually I am.” I said and laughed. “Let’s go eat.” he said and grabbed my hand. We walked downstairs and there were pancakes on the table. “Pancakes.” me and Justin said at them same time. We looked at each other and started cracking up. After eating, I ran upstairs to shower and changed into: polyvore/till_my_heart_stops_beating/set?id=22615418 and straightened my hair. Justin was laying on my bed, already dressed, when I walked out. “Wow..you look..wow..” he said staring at me. I blushed and smiled. “Thanks..” I answered. “No problem, babe.” he replied and winked at me. Justin flipped his hair to the side. Oh my god, why is he so hot?; I thought while staring at him. I felt like I was just going to melt right where I was standing. Before I knew it, Justin was in front of me clapping his hands in front of my face. “Alyssa?” he said smiling. “Whoa, what? Wha-what happened?” I asked, snapping back into reality. “Let me show you a replay. Go sit over there.” he said and pointed to my bed. Justin stood where I was standing before and stared at me with his mouth open like he was drooling. He almost fell on the ground. This was all an example of me. I blushed and looked down. “That’s embarrassing.” I said. “Nah, it was funny.” Justin said, sitting next to me. “What was going on in your head?” he asked me and laughed. I remembered all the thoughts I was thinking; how hot he was, how much I wanted to kiss him, and a lot of others. “If I wanted to tell you I would’ve said them out loud.” I replied. “Justin, you’re so hot, I looooove you, I’m drooooooling over you.” he said in a girly voice. “Shut up.” I said and slapped him on the arm. He smiled and shook his head. “Justin, and what is it that you think when you’re staring at me?” I asked him and smiled. His face turned bright red. “Thoughts.” he replied and looked the other way. “Exactly.” I said and laughed. “Are you ready to start packing?” Justin asked me with a smile. “WOOO!” I said and stood up. “Suitcases are in the hall closet. I’ll be packing my stuff if you need me.” he said and walked into his room. I grabbed a few suitcases and brought them into my room. Drawers full of clothes and other stuff, joy. Whatever, it was all going to be worth it. I mean the Bahamas?! This was gonna be awesome! I grabbed stuff, starting with my clothes, and put it in suitcases. After that, I packed all my hair stuff and accessories. Lastly, came all of my extra stuff I’d wanna bring on the trip. Finally, I finshed after 2 hours. I walked into Justin’s room. He was still packing. “I’m done.” I said and smiled “All I gotta pack is my extra stuff.” he replied, looking up at me. "What’s your extra stuff. Justin stared at me for a few seconds, almost like he didn’t want to answer. “My extra stuff.” he said and went back to packing. “Alrighty, then.” I said and burried my face in his pillows. Finally, I was off my feet. “Hurry up with whatever weird stuff you’re packing.” I said with my face still burried. “I’m done.” I looked to the right of me and Justin was laying down next to me smiling. “Hi.” I said and smiled at him. He leaned in and kissed me. “Is is seriously already 4:30?!” I asked. Justin nodded and sighed. I yawned and closed my eyes, but just to rest my eyes, not to fall asleep. “Text the guys to see if they’re packed.” I said with my eyes still closed. “I already did. They are.” he answered. Justin’s face felt really close to mine. Too close. His breath was warm on my face. I opened my eyes to find his face literally an inch away, and I jumped. “Whoa.” I said. Justin started cracking up. He moved even closer so our noses were touching. “DINNER!” Pattie yelled from downstairs. Justin sighed and sat up. “Ruined the moment, much?” he said. I nodded and walked down stairs next to Justin. There was steak and mashed potatoes ready on the table. Justin and I sat next to each other, and Pattie sat across from us. “You two gotta be up at 7 tomorrow. The plane leaves at 8:30.” Pattie said. Me and Justin both groaned. “7?!” he said. “Yes, 7.” she replied. I ate my food then waited for Justin to finish. He finished shortly after me and we walked back upstairs. “I’m exhausted.” I said and walked into my room. “Me too.” Justin responded. “Hold on, I’m gonna change into my pajamas.” I said and walked into my bathroom and changed. I walked out and Justin wasn’t in my room anymore. I found him laying on the bed in his room. “Where do you want me to sleep tonight?” I asked and laughed. Justin smiled and patted the spot next to him. I let myself collapse onto his bed. “Are we staying in a hotel in the Bahamas?” I asked Justin. “Actually, no. To make everything easier, we’re just gonna use the tour bus. It’s big enough for all of us.” he answered. “Okay.” I said and smiled. I closed my eyes. I felt Justin’s lips on mine. I opened my eyes and smiled. “I love you.” I said. “I love you,too. Now let a good night’s sleep.” he said and smiled at me. I smiled back then dozed off to catch some zzz’s. 15+ likes for the next one♥ Klαυdy Belieber
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:09:09 +0000

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