Till my heart stops beating Part 30 JUSTIN’S POV I looked down - TopicsExpress


Till my heart stops beating Part 30 JUSTIN’S POV I looked down and saw Alyssa lying on the ground in the water. Oh no. I swam down and picked her up in my arms. “Guys! Alyssa is knocked out I think!” I said nervously. “Bring her to shore.” Ryan replied. I raced her over to shore as fast as I could and placed her down on the dry sand. I can’t lose the love of my life. All of the guys surrounded her. “What should I do?!” I asked panicking. My cell phone was way up on shore and the tourbus wasn’t picking us up for another few hours. “Is she breathing?” Christian asked. I placed one ear up against her chest. I heard her heart beating regurally, which probably means she’s also breathing. “Yeah, she is.” I replied. “Give her CPR, dude!” Ryan said. I took a deep breath, leaned in, and began. Her mouth was full of water. I kept up with the CPR. Her eyes started to flutter. “Alyssa?” I asked hoping she was alright. Her eyes opened up. Everyone cheered. “Wha-what’s going on?” she asked confused. “In the water, you were knocked out.” I answered. “How?” Alyssa asked. “I think you hit your head and you got too much water in your mouth.” I answered. “O-o-oh.” she replied. She seemed confused. “How many fingers am I holding up?” Ryan asked. “Two you idiot.” she said and threw sand at his face. “She’s back.” Ryan said and smiled. A huge smile grew on my face. I pulled Alyssa into a tight hug. “I thought I was going to lose you.” I whispered in her ear. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you. Right there.” Alyssa replied and pointed to my heart. I leaned in and kissed her, very passionately. She did the same back. We were making out. Chaz said “Dude, get a-” Christian cut him off. “Nah, just let them. I mean what if she really wasn’t okay when that happened? Let’s just go in the water.” he said. They walked away. FINALLY we’re not interrupted. Good, finally one of them just let’s just kiss and do what we want. I smiled while still kissing Alyssa, and I felt her smile, too. After like 15 minutes, we both pulled away. We were out of breath. “We’ll continue that later.” Alyssa said and smiled at me. I nodded and smiled back. I was surpirsed she said that. She usually wasn’t like that. Well, I was looking forward to later. NORMAL POV I told Justin we’d continue that later. The truth was, I did enjoy that. He was probably surprised by my answer. “Well, we’re gonna have to thank Christian for finally not letting people interrupt.” I said and laughed. “Ya think?!” Justin replied. Justin put his arm around my waist. The other hand was holding mine. “Can we just sit on the sand? Because I don’t want to get hurt again.” I said and looked up at Justin. “Anything for you, baby.” he said and smiled at me. I kissed him on the cheek and we sat down on the sand. I liked it when he called me names like babe, baby, and shawty. It seemed sweet to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine. Every moment with Justin was perfect. It was from like out of a fairytale or a story. “I love you.” Justin said and turned his head to face mine. “I love you, too.” I said and rested my forehead up against his. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. We pulled away and just smiled at each other, forehead to forehead. Just then, there was a beep from the parking lot. I turned my head to see the tourbus parked, waiting for us. Christian, Ryan, and Chaz were already in the bus. We stood up and walked over and onto the bus. “Wow, what took you two so long?” Ryan asked. “We didn’t notice the bus.” Justin replied. “You guys are too in love to notice anything.” Ryan said. “That’s true. Is there a problem with that?” I asked and smiled. Ryan shook his head. Justin turned to me. “We’re going out to eat again.” he said. “I’m not sitting with Ryan.” I responded. “Well, I was thinking we could sit alone…” Justin asked. “Okay.” I said and smiled at him. “We’re going to a chinese restaurant. It’s pretty fancy, though.” Justin said. “I like fancy.” I said in a flirty voice. “And I like going to fancy restaurants with you.” Justin said, flirting back. He flipped his hair. “And I love you.” I replied and smiled. “Guess what? I love you, too.” he replied. “Enough of the flirting. Go get dressed.” Pattie said. We nodded and walked back to our room. I put on some really short-shorts and a strapless shirt from abercrombie on over my bathing suit. It was hot out, so I left the bathing suit on under. “Ready.” I said and smiled at Justin. We all walked into the restaurant. “You’re not gonna sit with us?” Chaz asked. “First of all, from yesterday, Alyssa won’t sit with you guys. Second of all, we both want to be alone.” Justin said. Ryan gave me a weird look. “Oooo alone. You heard them. Alone.” Chaz said cracking up. Me and Justin walked to our own table and sat down and started talking. 15+ likes for the next one♥ Klαυdy Belieber
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 12:42:45 +0000

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