Till my heart stops beating Part 67 “Okay, okay. My bad. I - TopicsExpress


Till my heart stops beating Part 67 “Okay, okay. My bad. I meant to say overly obsessed.” my mom said grinning. “I…WAS..NOT!” I yelled and hit her with a pillow three times. “Stop hitting me with a pillow!” she said laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry. Would you rather me use a metal bat?” I asked smiling. Justin and Pattie started laughing. “Obsessed.” my mom said grinning. “Was not.” I replied. “You had like 10 posters of me when you came to Atlanta.” Justin said laughing. “And she had about 20 in her room..and HOW the hell did she get them all down?” my mom asked looking around my room. “What posters?” I asked stupidly. “You could barely see the color of your walls!” my mom replied. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said. “Your walls were covered.” my mom said laughing. “Yeah..covered in paint.” I responded. I knew it was eventually gonna get my mom annoyed and she’d give up. “Paint you could barely see!” she said. “Umm no? I could clearly see my paint.” I replied. “Oh my god you’re annoying. I give up.” my mom said laughing. I nodded smiling. “Impressive she could keep a straight face. She never can.” Justin said laughing. “No, she can’t.” my mom said laughing. “Yeah, she can’t.” Pattie said smiling. I shook my head at them. “Gain up.” I said laughing. “Well, there is a lot we can put against you!” my mom said laughing. “OH don’t go there! There is SO much I could put against all of you!” I replied grinning. “That’s true.” Justin said laughing. “Is everyone outside like waiting for us?” I asked. My mom nodded. “Wow.” I said standing up. We all walked back outside. “We weren’t sure if you were dead.” Paige said laughing. “Oh, I am dead.” I replied grinning. My mom and Pattie stayed inside and me, Justin, my friends, and his friends all sat on the grass. I sat in between Justin and Christian. It wasn’t cold out but for some reason something didn’t feel right. I was shaking. It wasn’t a cold shaking-it had something to do with my breathing. Quickly, it became from difficult to breathe to almost impossible. “Are you cold?” Justin asked. “I-I..can’t brea..” was all I could let out. It felt like my body was slowly shutting down. “Oh my go-CALL 911!” Jenna screamed. Justin pulled out his phone and dialed 911. Once he hung up, he pulled me close to him. “Breathe.” he said. I just couldn’t do it. My mom and Pattie came running out the door. “What’s going on?!” my mom said. “Does she have asthma?” Jenna asked. “No!” my mom replied. I didn’t. “Well, she it looks like she’s having an asthma attack!” Ella yelled. The ambulance pulled up. They put me on a stretcher and brought me into the ambulance. I was scared. Horrified. Everybody tried getting on the ambulance. “Only one person.” said the man. I saw my mom push Justin on. My body felt like it was about to just give up. I felt like I was DYING. The doctors put me on medicine to make me sleepy. “I love you.” Justin said. Last thing I heard. JUSTIN’S POV I was terrified. I didn’t know if Alyssa was going to live or not. The ambulance pulled up to the hospital and rushed her into a room. They gave her more oxygen. Everyone was coming soon to see her in the hospital. I sat down on a chair next to her bed. “What kind of connection do you gave to this patient?” a doctor asked. “I’m her boyfriend.” I replied. The doctor looked down at his clipboard then back up at me. “Well, from some tests she has gotten a rare case of asthma. It caused where she breathes to slowly close up, making it so she couldn’t breathe. Since it wasn’t treated, she needs to have surgery in her breathing tubes. The chance of her living is about 50/50.” the doctor said. I froze in place. There was only half a chance that the love of my life was going to survive? I planned to MARRY that girl. I was sure on that one. She meant the world to me. I felt my eyes starting to fill with tears. I didn’t let them escape. The doorway filled with everyone from back at her house. “Two at a time.” the doctor said. First Jenna and Ella came in. Then Paige and Leah. Then my mom and Pattie came in. They saw the look on my face. “What’d the doctor say?” Kate (Alyssa’s mom) asked. I gulped. “That..she was asthma..but she needs surgery..and..and.” I started. “And?” my mom asked. “She only has a 50/50 chance of living.” I ended, more tears filling up my eyes. Both of them froze in place. “She what?!” her mom asked, tears streaming down her face. I nodded and looked down. “But she can’t!” my mom said. I let some of the tears fall. “Well, I’m afraid it is a possibility.” the doctor said walking into the room. “Can’t you do something that will make her have a better chance of living?” her mom asked. “I’m afraid that’s the best we can do. She still has the half a chance of living.” the doctor responded. Half a chance. That wasn’t good enough. What if she died? I wouldn’t be able to live. “Half a chance isn’t good enough.” I said, turning my thoughts into words. My mom, Kate, and the doctor all turned to me. “It’s the best we can do. Surgery starts soon. I’ll give you people some time with her.” the doctor said and left the room. I put my face in my hands. “You really love her, don’t you?” her mom asked. “So much.” I replied with my face still in my hands. “You’ll always know she loves you too.” my mom said. “That’s not good enough. She won’t be there when I wake up. I won’t see her everyday. I won’t get to tell her everything I’ve wanted to. NOTHING will be the same.” I replied. That brought more tears to both of their eyes. They were in there for a couple more minutes then left. Ryan, Christian, Caitlin, & Chaz all came in for a visit, too. I told them about the whole 50/50 chance. They took it hard. I was the only one in the room now. The doctor came back in the room. “Give me a minute.” I said. He nodded and left the room. I stood over Alyssa. I hugged her tightly. It was possibly the last time. “I love you.” I whispered. I was about to tell the doctor I was ready, then I realized I wasn’t. I walked back over to her and kissed her. She was still knocked out on medicine. That could possibly be the last time I kissed her, too. I told the doctor I was ready. They took her out of the room for the surgery. I wasn’t ready at all. 20+ likes for the next♥ Klαυdy Belieber
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:27:17 +0000

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