Tim- I am standing by you tomorrow that the Judge will see what a - TopicsExpress


Tim- I am standing by you tomorrow that the Judge will see what a selfish and vindictive woman she is that has no heart and only cares about herself. Its a shame that she is putting you through this but in the end it will make you stronger. She can keep making lies up about you, Shirley and Tandra and I but we all know there lies.Who has taken care of the children all these years? YOU, BILL, SHIRLEY and TANDRA. You noticed I left myself out of the equation since she always tells me Im a NOBODY...I know Im somebody special because the kids always tells me they love me and show it by what they got me for Mothers Day at Things Remembered. What is the definition of a Real Mother globe...Anybody can have kids but it takes someone real special to be a Mother figure and a positive role model in their lives..Donna- I know you are reading this and its a shame you have to seek attention so bad that you have to resort to this and make up lies to try and make the court system believe something we are not..I am a caring, loving, genuine person with a big heart so thats what I am that chose to love your children when I didnt have to...I dont ever want to replace you Donna because I teach the kids to love you because they only have one Mother. I am just an added bonus in their life.Why cant the kids love both of their parents. You loved both your Mom and Dad didnt you and if you didnt shame on you! You cant control and pick who Tim is involved with like he has no desire to pick who you get involved with.You both share one interest and that is the children. Its a shame that you cant work with us to make sure the kids have the best life possible. I have shown the kids nothing but love but I believe in disciplining and not letting the kids get away with things even though I have never laid a hand on the kids and they will tell you that themselves. I believe in being a positive role model and I believe in academics and kids getting good grades so they can be productive members of society and get into a good college and get a good job. Kyle never made Honor Roll before but last year he did and he was proud as a peacock. The kids might not do well in a subject throughout the school year but with hounding them how important good grades are they usually end up passing or they go to summer school. The kids have a better life than they have ever had and they tell people that. Dont you want that for your kids? What you did on Sunday was ridiculous but didnt surprise me and do you really think the kids respect you for that. No they dont. They told us everything you did leading up to this and says you brainwash them into believing they will get what they want, do photo shoots to be models etc.to bribe them to turn against their Father to want to come live with you..Hint-Hint- When the kids are with you they say and tell you what they think you want to hear.When their with their Father they do the same about you but I have a rule...What goes on in our house stays at our house and what goes on at your Mothers house stays there.We dont care to know.....I dont not like you Donna I feel sorry for you that you have to get negative attention by doing things like this to set the kids backwards instead of helping them go forward. I am willing to work with you anyway I can to make the kids life better. Well Tim you got a great Lawyer in Fred so theres nothing to worry about tomorrow. The Judge would literally have to be drunk to send the kids back to her..Alot of people are saying prayers for you and in your corner all the way. Please say prayers for Tim that this has a positive outcome because the kids are going through enough without having to be put through more. Thank You very much. This will make us stronger Tim....Chin up!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:25:01 +0000

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