Tim Howard THERE WILL BE NO MORE WORDS FROM ME ON HERE “We are - TopicsExpress


Tim Howard THERE WILL BE NO MORE WORDS FROM ME ON HERE “We are apt to forget that children watch examples better than they listen to preaching” . I have lost count of the endless thousands of words I have written here and all at a time when I am in the middle of writing two novels that I have not written a single word in, in months. I felt this was more important so I devoted my time to this instead. Maybe it was some egotistical part of me that felt I could help bring about change or maybe it was some naive part of me that felt that Irish people just need to hear what’s going on and they will get off their asses and stop the deluge of corruption going on all around them. I don’t know which is the truth, I just know I care about this country and its people and my family and my friends and even though they may not understand what I and many others were fighting for it didn’t matter as long as some of us managed to change it. If we managed to change it then they would be ok anyway and would not have to live in this cess pool. I was very wrong and I think I realise that now. Our country did not become corrupt overnight it took decades to become this bad and personally I think it stepped up a notch when Mr Haughey got his hands on the whips. Straight away I can hear your minds jump to Haughey and the voices of those who bother to read this saying “oh yeah that bastard its all his fault”, but it isn’t , its yours. Like I said we did not become corrupt over night it took decades, decades of Irish people ignoring the various corrupt antics of various politicians who pushed the limits and stepped over the line time after time. Charles haughey in my opinion should have been locked up at the end of his life after the findings of the McCracken tribunal and instead we gave him a state funeral. Interesting to note here that Mr Haughey was born in the same village of Castlebar Co Mayo as our current( in my opinion corrupt leader) Enda kenny. We have watched politicians receive payments from Ben Dunne, we have watched politicians admit to perjury and then vote them back into power, we have watched politicians commit fraud in expense claims and still we did noting. We tell them its ok, don’t be a bold boy and off we go about our own business. If you want a democracy then you have to be a part of it people, that’s what it is . You cant just call this country a democracy and then just sit back and leave it to everyone else to bloody run. My god if we just keep letting them away with it time after time after time what will they do next. Suicides, evictions, hunger, poverty, old people locked up over tv licences , its all happening now, its not just pretend or over dramatisation its real. Others who steal millions and billions can laugh at you and still walk the streets and have the damn cheek to complain when they are confronted by protestors who question them about it. My god, its truly frightening and I am no nutcase irrational fool. “My kids are my life” how many times do we hear it everyday, well then ,don’t tell them, show them ,“We are apt to forget that children watch examples better than they listen to preaching” Roy l Smith
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 21:50:37 +0000

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