Tim Virga, Warden February 14, 2013 The Bench, Robert - TopicsExpress


Tim Virga, Warden February 14, 2013 The Bench, Robert Trentacosta Mayor Filner, Sheriff Gore City Administration Bldg 202 C. Street, 11th Floor San Diego, California 92101 Re: County Bench Deploys Guns To Terrorize, FOIA Robert Trentacosta, Mayor Bob and Sheriff Gore, Thank you for recently dispatching your county gun packing military police over county boarders to my private residence. Your gunmen ordered me “to call you or else.” You did this by having me marked in your computer as a second class subject that is “owned” as a “good” under your “Law of Sales and Financial or Negotiable Instruments) under the U.C.C. This incorrect notation is a problem with your computer systems; they lock into the all capitalize heading mode, and it is not for “easy reading” purposes: Human Ownership Jurisdiction Bars’ U.C.C. §2-103, Article 2, Sales (1) In this Article: (b) Conspicuous … means so written, displayed, or presented that a reasonable person against which it is to operate ought to have noticed it. (i) (A) for a person: a heading in capitals ….; and (B) for a person: language … in larger … or contrasting type … that calls attention to it …. I. Background – County Business Threats Here, some simple background is first shown to explain your how you’ve dealt with being faced with “financial business threats.” Although you hide it, the County is presently “sensitive” “lit-exposure,” especially after the federal government’s S.E.C. recently charged it with committing money crimes. Bonas’ proficiency in prosecuting financial crimes known, you dispatched guns to his private residence. You did so in concert with L.A. county soldiers (Sheriffs). You arranged this deed instead of calling him on his phone, which number was at your finger tips. In an unfriendly, offensive way, you sent loaded guns rather than writing a nice letter with any legitimate questions about Bonas’ written reports. You sent bullets to Bonas’ door even though, according to you, not a single word in any one of his reports could possibly indicate any “legitimate security concern.” In our talk about it, your agent “Leavitt” couldn’t even fabricate an “excuse.” Were you stocking to harass him? You knew, after reading some Bonas reports, that he’s a seasoned lawyer. His writings center on declared illegal contract pricing, declared illegal divides of citizenship, the United States’ Constitution and illegitimate (de facto) versus legitimate (de jure) county power exercises, e.g. On 01-30-13 Bonas called you and you spoke about it. In that call you evasively refused to explain your hostile, unannounced, uninvited and unwelcome “heat packed” visit. But in that talk you disclosed your main “motives”: “You want to know what Bonas’ legal intentions are. After reading his reports, you know he’s preparing a legal counter offensive to your offensive moves.” II. Curious? It’s About The Four Contracts To assuage “curiosity,” one intention is to explain to The People a bit about four power contracts. You know, the ones you avow to be “protecting and serving” by: 1) The City Contract (Constitution/Charter); 2) The County Contract (Constitution/Charter); 3) The State Contract (Constitution/Charter); and 4) America’s Contract, United State’s Constitution/Charter. All four of these contracts center on two basic contract disciplines: jurisdiction economics and price economics. Folks like you buy power through state, not de jure federal agents. The contract governments you run are marked in 1 and 2 above. You do so in direct violation of America’s “power” limits - declared in the 10th Amendment: The powers delegated to America are not retained by the state to sell to any county or city men; there is no concurrent or double law power over citizens. Your financial dilemma lies in your untruthful statements to The People viewed in light of what you actually do to them - openly and behind their backs. To illustrate, through your Departments of Education, you pledge to all local Americans that: A) You are doing business compliant with Supremacy law; B) You are constitutionally allowed to subject citizens to two different bodies of civil and criminal laws, yours and America’s common law; and C) You are in line with (and do not materially break from) America’s law. Reality isn’t even close. Your local “reservation like power” (in and out of court) severs main American arteries; it amputates her organs; it disembowels. For example, city and county’s protocol and deeds gut these parts of America’s well shaped body: A) County-Statesmen Impairing Obligation San Diego County Bench Impairing Supremacy Obligation B) Standing, Clientless Sheriff-D.A. Witch-hunts Standing – Named Client No “The People” v. Citizen C) County-State Sheriff Troops Without D.C. Consent No County Bench Sheriff Police-State Cage and Gun-Power D) Judges’ Supremacy Crimes, Unlimited Power Claims One Supreme Law All County Judges Bound E) Sheriffs’ County Courts - Abridging Supremacy Privileges No County Shall Abridge Supremacy By contract your three branch agents have buried American. You’ve done so by erasing the supremacy clause and basic due process from your local program. You break from America finance your county “play-time”, ball and puck stadiums, salaries, pensions, lunches, dinners, cars, parties and so forth. This adds up many high crimes. Many federal agents have legitimate (de jure) powers to combat this problem: N.C.I.S., U.S. Marshals and the Securities and Exchange Commission, e.g. Their clients, moms, dad, kids and Military Sentinel families, all have a vested interest in this public concern. III. County Eviscerates America To alleviate confusion about “proper law,” America’s local high court explained: “We have in this country … two national governments; one … maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other … maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument …. It is one thing to give … a … construction to the Constitution as will bring the exercise of power … within its provisions. It is quite a different thing to say that Congress may, if it so elects, proceed outside of the Constitution.” Your camp owes simple duties to The People. One is to determine if your “Policies” run afoul federal law. You start with the little booklet called the Constitution. You do not point to your lobby bought crap law: PC, VC or whatever. That’s the law: “The duty is to declare and enforce the rule of the supreme law and reject that of an inferior act of legislation which,” transcending the Constitution is of no effect and binding on no one.” “Official capacity” acts only within these “legitimate” parameters. If you don’t legitimately (de jure) act under American law you financially expose yourself. “The acts of a county, bar or state person assuming to fill and perform the duties of an office which does not exist de jure can have no validity whatever in law.” IV. Material American Contract Breach Your kind has assassinated America. Your Bar and Bench gang, by darkly deceiving and using you, flipped each city into a European “feudal franchise” knock off: Feudal Franchises included a variety of rights with a political or public flavor such as rights to collect roadway tolls, to incorporate, to hold a market or fair, and the right to vote. Jurisdictions were franchises defined … by territory, people, and subject matters over which jurisdiction could be exercised, and what procedures would be followed. These were bundled with the right to use certain police powers to execute the processes and remedy(s) required of these local legislative jurisdictions and the right to collect the fines and forfeited property associated with such jurisdictions for the benefit of the franchise holder. What you do is exactly the same. Your own “toll road” ticket courts confirm. Material Breach: A breach is significant enough to permit the aggrieved party to elect to treat the breach as total (rather than partial), thus excusing that party from further performance and affording it the right to sue for damages. V. Closing – County Seats This is a directive. It gives actual notice of expected “Legitimate” behaviors: Legitimate, or of right and by just title, called a de jure government agent. Illegitimate, but in effect, is called a de facto actor on the public payroll. I acknowledge Sheriff Leavitt’s 01-30-13 “CYA” apology for her belligerent act. I expect that from the boss man, Robert Trentacosta. He’s the real sinister and real cowardly one here. He struck fear, harm, sleepless nights, PTS and other hard damage. Money is owed. If you don’t pay up, by settlement, rights will be exercised. The insurgent states, under the … government … are in the same condition as inhabitants of districts … occupied and controlled by an invading belligerent. 18 United States Code 241 The Bench - Repeat Offenders The Bench has injured, oppressed, threatened, and intimidate persons in the enjoyment of rights and privilege secured by the Constitution or U.S. law … – Kind Regards, Cash Joseph Bonas 18 U.S.C. 241 Post Kirby And Robert Trentacosta All California Wardens All of His Prison Revenues If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory … or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States … – They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. Transferred Local Powers The … Constitution has … divested … [County-Bar-States] … of their original powers and transferred those powers to the Federal Government. Aliens – Abandon America DA Job Contract – Direct Proof Mayor: Citizens … who are not citizens of the United States shall be considered aliens. Sheriff: Citizens … who are not citizens of the United States shall be considered aliens. County Judge: Citizens … who are not citizens of the United States shall be considered aliens. The City’s Jurisdiction Contract Overrides Federal Citizens America A court may set aside a void order at any time. An appeal will not prevent the court from at any time lopping off what has been termed a dead limb on the judicial tree -- a void order. Schooner Amistad, 40 U.S. 518 (1841). Amendment X. Article I, section 10, clause 1. Article III – “A controversy” – not a Michael Breyerton ticket man; Warth v. Seldin, 422 U.S. 490, 501 (1974). Article I, section 10, clause 3. United States Constitution, Article 6. Amendment XIV, Section 1, Clause 2. Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901). Adkins v. Children’s Hospital of District of Columbia, 261 U.S. 525, 544 (1923). Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886). Jurisdiction as Property: Franchise Jurisdiction from Henry III to James I, Nicholas Szabo (April 21, 2006). Black’s Law Dictionary, at page 156 ((Abridged 8th Ed. 2005). Black’s Law Dictionary, at page 361 (Abridged 8th Edition, 2005 Thompson/West). Black’s Law Dictionary, at page 353 (Abridged 8th Edition, 2005 Thompson/West). Thorington v. Smith, 75 U.S. 8, at 13 (1868). NEW YORK v. UNITED STATES, 505 U.S. 144 (1992). Hooven & Allison Co. vs Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945). Hooven & Allison Co. vs Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945). Hooven & Allison Co. vs Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945). MacMillan Petroleum Corp. v. Griffin (1950) 99 Cal. App. 2d 523, 533. cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/Population_Reports.html
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:05:55 +0000

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