Time: A brief explanation of two possible methods to traverse - TopicsExpress


Time: A brief explanation of two possible methods to traverse it. Now I’m sure at some point we’ve all sat back and watched a good time movie. Whether you’re just an avid Potter fan, part of the older generation who enjoyed ‘Back to the Future’, or a Whovian as I’ve heard them be addressed. Time is an interesting concept, and one worth taking a moment to become enlightened in. I plan to sort of briefly outline the two theories on time I think have some actual merit as being possible consequences of someone traveling back in time. (note: I’m no scientist I have zero idea of how one might build a time machine ). The first time theory, and the one I believe is used in the Doctor Who series is the ‘Many Worlds’ theory. Now I’ve never watched Doctor Who, so I won’t be using the show as an example. I think that would be disgraceful to the fans who enjoy the show since I’m an outsider who’d be looking in. Instead I’m going to use my recent anime adventure ‘Stein’s Gate’ for any references towards the ‘Many Worlds’ theory. The idea here is simple enough: Time isn’t just a straight line. In fact time is an infinite series of lines running parallel to one another. So in our timeline, we’ll call Timeline A perhaps you tripped and dropped your math book. Something innocuous enough. Now let’s say for whatever reason someone’s jumped back in time, and as a result stopped you from tripping and falling. When this occurs time has been altered and you would jump from Timeline A (Where the books were dropped) to Timeline B where this time around you no longer dropped the book. This theory is fairly sound, until there can be some form of tests performed for its validity though it’s little more than a theory with something interesting to speculate on. There is a particular reason I love this theory so much though. If you think about it, the ‘Many Worlds’ theory opens the door of possibility to a phenomenon I’ll refer to as ‘self-causing events’. The idea is that you exist on Timeline A. You’re a scientist with unlimited resources and knowledge. You’ve decided that you’re going to go into the future and send yourself let’s say…The winning number to next week’s lottery. Now if the ‘Many Worlds’ theory is in fact correct, by your very ability and intent to complete an action within moments you will receive a message from the future with the lottery ticket number. When this occurs you’ll jump from timeline A (without lottery number) to Timeline B (with lottery number) When this happens it is no longer necessary for you to send the information back to yourself. If this is true, than by intent to send the information to yourself, the information ultimately sends itself back without you ever having to lift a finger. It defies conventional logic I know, but in this theory of time…it’s quite possible. Now let’s take the Harry Potter approach. I believe we all remember the movie ‘Prisoner of Azkaban’? For the die hards, or just nerds like me, the book. In the book Hermione Granger leaps back in time with a device she is given. Now in this theory of time when one goes back to the past it is not possible for time to be changed. There is no risk of paradox, but there aren’t other time lines either. The simple fact is: The past has already happened, so even if you go back from the future, anything you do will have already been done. The ultimate logic of it being that nothing can change. So you may be able to leap back in time with this theory, but you’d never be able to influence past events, merely observe…if you did interfere, you would have interfered the first time through as well. A neat tidy way to clean up the possibility of paradoxes, but also one of the only theories for time that I find makes any sense. Now this is just a basic walk through of the two time theories I think are actually worth their merit. There is one time theory that I’ll discuss which I think doesn’t quite hold up to logic, however, does make for an interesting story. ‘Back to the Future’ I think a lot of us remember that one? In the original movie Marty travels back in time, and inadvertently causes his own existence to be negated. Now, let me ask you this. If Marty stops himself from existing, than how is it possible for Marty to go back in time to stop himself from existing? Do you see the logical dead end created by this. It’s a pardox, an inescapable one. This version of things is absurd, and completely preposterous. It’s nice to think we could directly influence our own timeline, but realistically we can only do one of two things; A.) Move into a different world line or B.) Observe, unable to actually influence time. I’m not saying this is absolute knowledge, but given our current understanding of things, and how logic should work these are the only two ways time travel could ever be a success. the-way-i-see-it-postings.tumblr/post/58103926958/time-a-brief-explanation-of-two-possible-methods-to #UndefinedApathy #Time #Timetravel
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:39:40 +0000

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