Time Management Tips for Ramadaan Some practical tips to maximize - TopicsExpress


Time Management Tips for Ramadaan Some practical tips to maximize the time during Ramadaan & to prepare ourselves for Ibaadah & worship during this blessed month. TIPS: Clean up the time: a) Telephone: Minimize your chat on the telephone. If you are used to chat with your friends on a regular basis, try to make it short. Share with her the importance of this month & tell her that you want to devote yourself for Ibaadah in order to get the maximum reward during this month. Share these tips with her. b) Cooking: Try to cook something simple during Ramadaan as this is a month of Ibaadah & Qur’aan, not the month of food. There are some husbands who push their wives to cook different varieties of food & sisters have to spend their time in the kitchen. If it’s very necessary, keep a tape of Qur’aan in the kitchen & listen to it while you are busy in kitchen, or keep your tongue moist with the Dhikr. [find out some short cut & tips to prepare the food quickly]. C) Shopping: Get all your shopping done before Ramadaan. Make a list of the things/ grocery/ items, that is enough for one month & buy it all together. Important: Try to do the Eid shopping NOW. The last ten days of Ramadaan when we have to be doing more 3Ibaadah & spend our time in doing good deeds, most of the Muslims are busy in doing shopping for Eid & their kids. Sisters! These ten days, we have to exaggerate ourselves in doing more Ibaadah & to catch Laylat-ul-Qadr. Make this Ramadaan a very different from all the previous ramadaan. D) Dinner Parties/Iftaar: Iftaar parties during ramadaan are getting very common now. This is the Month for you sisters!! We have the rest of the full year to do parties & to socialize. Indeed it’s a great reward to break someone’s fast but give food to people who are needy & poor. The prophet Sallalahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, will have a reward equal to his, without it detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person.” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, Saheeh al-Targheeb). E) Sleeping: Cut less the time of sleep during this month. It’s a month of Ibaadah, doing good deeds. Who knows this could be our last Ramadaan. Reduce your sleeping hours. Its only one month & then you can get back to your normal routine. F) Computer & Internet: This is a personal experience & request. Spending a lot of time on the internet, even if visiting Islaamic sites really takes hours without notice. Try to minimize your internet timings by just checking emails/stuff once a week. Now we have cleaned up a big amount of time, let’s schedule it for Ibaadah. 1) Fard: Pray the Obligatory salaah (prayer) on time with Khushoo. Get yourself ready as soon as the time of salaah comes in. Make du3aa to Allaah to give you Khushoo & try to get rid of all the thoughts & waswaas that comes in the mind. Think as you are standing in front of your LORD, the Almighty. 2) Sunnah & Nawaafil: If you are already praying the 12 sunnah, continue them & add the 2 rakaah of sunnah after Dhuhr. [making them 14 altogether]. The prophet Sallalahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever maintains 4 rakaah before Dhuhr & 4 rakaah after Dhuhr, Allaah will make the fire Haraam on that person” [Ibn-Maajah, Tirmidhee] 4) rakaah before Asr: The prophet Sallalahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “may Allah have mercy on him who prays 4 rakaah before Asr”. [Tirmidhee] Salaah Al-Duhaa: Increase the number of Rak3ah if you are already in a habit of praying salaah al-Duha. 3) Qur’aan: Ramadaan is the month of Qur’aan. Try to schedule it all the moments you have. If you are working, keep a pocket size Qur’aan with you & read it whenever you get the time, like coffee break, lunch break, when traffic signals are red etc. Read with reflection. Read slowly in a beautiful voice & reflect on its meanings. Try to read this time, with translation & tafseer. 4) Taraweeh/Qiyaam-ul-layl: Pray the taraweeh in the masjid where the Imaam does long Qiyaam. 5) Tahajjud: Try to get up a little earlier to pray 2 rakaah before suhoor & make duaa. Its the best [truncated by WhatsApp]
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 08:33:58 +0000

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