Time for A New Party! On the political front, I believe that - TopicsExpress


Time for A New Party! On the political front, I believe that caving in on the debt ceiling, shut down, etc, has effectively spelled the death knell for the Republican Party, whether they or anyone else realizes it yet. They are more aptly put, the Republicrats. But now in some polls, as many as 70% feel that we need a third party in our government. The Constitution Party or Tea Party, or a combination of the two morphed into the Top Party or insert better name here ______ is a no brainer now. Functionally the Republicans have been assimilated into the Democrat Party anyway. Resistance against the handlers and creators of obama is futile as a member of the now defunct or non-existent Republican Party. Our hopes, if there are any remaining, lie in a perfectly thought out and expertly implemented roll out. And we have dont really have time before 2016, unless all the geniuses get together at night and they all call Ron Paul BOSS! And I dont see why Rand Paul still keep hanging onto the Republican Party any longer, unless now hes funny too? Cruz, Lee, Paul, and a few others are the only ones who showed any spine and stood up for the Conservative/Libertarian people, which in my opinion now outnumber those self identifying themselves as Republicans. What used to be Republicans are now a bunch of Mitches and Lindseys. Blitches. This is THE time, if there ever was a time, to break off from the Republicans and create a strong and credible third party that the people want. One that takes it model from the pages of Ron Pauls book! I wish I could have the minds and the media power I needed, all in one large room for a month. With that talent and those resources I would create a new party to get rid of the rats in the corn and plant a new field. Make it and they will come. With the right media blitz, it could be done and done to the hilt. The time is ripe. The people are ticked! And there will never be better time, unless you count an outright second shot heard round the world. A third party is the only hope I think. Furthermore, I think the time is right. But ONLY, and this is a huge if only, if only the new party can invest in enough media resources, guided and used as a tool, only more efficiently and effectively than the Democrats/Liberals/Socialists have used the MSM in the last 3 decades. Only it needs done all in two years. A blitz like this could work! Something powerful and sharp enough not only to mitigate, but blow out of the water and neutralize the damage the established MSM has done to anyone who opposed it in the past. A pipe dream? Perhaps. A possibility? Youre damn tootin! No same old pig, and no lipstick. A brand new long cool woman in a black dress, that stands tall in the jet stream and gives Lady Liberty a lesbian kiss right on the mouth. A Party to take the country by storm. Irrepressible and irresistible! It could be done! If only I were Jean Luc Picard, I would order an away team be assembled in my ready room, ans shit would start happening this very night! There would be prices on every head on the team, but our own security would neutralize the assassins at distance. And we would hammer out a new national plan and erect it on the foundation our founders laid. Unfortunately, i would be asking for a dictatorial-like power no less anti-founder than barry soetoro, in order to get this party started, no pun intended, and put everything into place on such a short time schedule. The good news would be, that once in place, I could completely withdraw. And no, we wouldnt have perpetual motion, but maybe with corrupt government taken out of our way, we could buy ourselves another 237 years? Who knows, perhaps 300+ years this time? Wade Page
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:28:33 +0000

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