Time for Everything When I was growing my mother would tell me - TopicsExpress


Time for Everything When I was growing my mother would tell me “Slow down, pump ya brakes, slow ya roll, Peace be still!” I was a rambunctious kid, animated, so reactionary, and a bit noisy. I’m still that way in certain circumstances, I still have deal breaker areas, which will result in swift, sharp and immediate attention. I also know how to apologize too. As maturity set in this collection of whimsical “mother wit” phrases has saved me more times than I can count because there is always a time for everything. Today’s society is very microwave popcorn, my opinion, so slow your roll. We want everything in less than 30 minutes or less, the story to be concluded within the time we are watching a show, we have no patience. Maybe that is why we are so susceptible to being lied to or led into one thought process and then explode when we find we are duped. We don’t really stop to think things through competition had made us well sloppy. We need take the time, now I am not advocating taking days and years but time to listen to the silence around us. A moment in time a rewind button to gather all the facts, because when done properly, the silence is clear and concise, if you really listen. In the silence you have to wait, then you have to think, weigh options, and then you have to make a decision. While going through this process you will more than likely uncover something that can assist or even exposed something you have not seen or even thought. I have sat in many meetings were my eyes were rolling in the back of my head from the pure nonsense I was hearing and I wanted to scream but didn’t. I get highly agitated when people are trying to blow smoke up my skirt or just think I’m so stupid I don’t know the truth from a lie, anyone with me? I sit, I listen, I take notes, I observed and I let the silence lead me. When the time came for me to speak, I did, and it was of value. It was slanderous, it wasn’t fire and brimstone but it had the power to make people think, reevaluate, and realize that we were not that far apart. A time for everything, a time to be you, transparent and true. Also it kept me from losing my job because a girl gotta shoe shop and I was about to whip up a whirlwind. Thanks Ma, Peace be still.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:46:02 +0000

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