Time for a check in post from Phoenix CTCA. Yes folks I am way out - TopicsExpress


Time for a check in post from Phoenix CTCA. Yes folks I am way out west here in sunny AZ at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Phoenix, seeking and finding a better way to beat this cancer. There are no words that could possibly say just how thankful I am for, well everything. I am blessed with a family willing to let me go far from home and their embrace to find the possitive energy and hope I need to beat this thing. I am blessed with a sister willing to put her life on hold for the first two weeks of evaluation and treatment. I am blessed with a husband (deeply missed) that is willing to take on all the chores at home while I am gone. While I may cry tears of homesickness at times. I cry more tears of gratefulness for all the blessings these past two weeks have given me. I will tell you that if ever anyone in your life is cursed with cancer, seak out CTCA for holistic, positive care. They are the best. They care about the patient as a whole. Here you are not just a diognosis but a person to be cared for and treated well. They care for everything from nutritional support to emotional support, hugs at every turn. From the drivers that shuttle patients from hotel rooms and airports to the doctors that manage your care. Everyone does their best to help you get well. Example last night, my dear sisters last nigh here with me, we enjoyed a drum circle. While in that space and time cancer did not exist, only the rythym healing warmth and love. If you have any complaints about the care they give here, it is only because you brought the negative energy with you, for you surely did not find it here. I will be out here for 5-6 more weeks to complete my first round of treatment. After 4 full rounds of high dose chemo at first Geisinger and then Hershey, the tumor has not shrunk but actually grown. Here at CTCA they will be doing (actually start this week) radiation for 6 weeks (5 days a week) along with a weekly round of chemo for each of the 6 weeks. They also did a biopsy straight from the lung for genetic testing for further treatment. The goal is not a cure, I am told that is not possible, but rather remission and control. I will live with cancer the rest of my life, much like a chronic condition like COPD. But I will live!!! I will not just survive I will live!!! May the Goddess bless you as well as she has me. )0(
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:37:01 +0000

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