Time for a repost of the latest Rants. Part 6 I am going to - TopicsExpress


Time for a repost of the latest Rants. Part 6 I am going to call the Thankgiving Week Rant since it was written during Thanksgiving Week. It is important to bring this up because this is supposed to be a time for celebration for Families in America. But that is not the case for some, such as Melissa Diegels Family. I am going to bring you up to speed on the details before I really get into ranting. In April of 2014, Kayla and Hannah Diegel were wrongly taken by arizona cps for allegations of medical child abuse. When the girls were in the care of their mother, Melissa Diegel, they thrived. They went to school, went to church, sang songs, did all kinds of things that girls their age did. Since being taken by arizona cps, their health has declined. Both of them have lost a considerable amount of body weight. If you look at the pictures and descriptions on the girls, you can see how obvious it is that these girls are suffering considerable harm while in the custody of the state of arizona. Add in that they have had their rights denied, the right to Freedom of Religion, to an Education, to Life, to Liberty. Instead, they are being experimented on by a corrupt hospital, with the blessing of a corrupt agency, like guinea pigs. These are human beings being treated as less than human. Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell that this is a bad situation. In spite of all the evidence, in spite of the pictures, the articles, the obvious, there are certain people who would rather spend time slandering Melissa and sabotaging her instead of helping her and her kids. No matter what they think about her, they refuse to consider the health and well being of Hannah and Kayla. Because of this, these girls are suffering. It would have been one thing for them not to get involved, but they are going around, saying that these girls were taken for a reason, they are telling lies about Melissa, and outright sabotaging her efforts and poisoning their followers against her. This is more than just a refusal, folks. This is outright bullying, outright cruelty, and outright hate and bigotry. It is a cliquish, in-group, self-centered, high school soap opera is what it is. The sad thing? At least one of them claims to be a Christian and likes to spread their testimony everywhere like butter on bread. But yet, some folks like myself can see right through it and see what kind of a person they really are. When you say you have no time to do anything to advocate and go into a million details and write a long sob story about what you do, all the while going on Facebook every day, several times a day, take selfies and do whatever you can to pad your validation, then youll have to forgive me when I say that not only do I not believe you, but I also think you are a HYPOCRITE. I especially think youre a hypocrite when you spread slander and pull bullying and slandering tactics on someone like Melissa Diegel and talk about how there are all these red flags with her situation but yet you wont say what those red flags are. You wont say what the reasons are for Kayla and Hannah being taken are. And no matter how much you are called out on it, your silence is louder than the words you say. You may have some people fooled, but you dont have everyone fooled. You may have some people intimidated by your vitriol, but you dont have all of us intimidated. You may think youre something, but to me, you are a coward, youre cold and youre cruel. You promised that you would help other families. But youre not. Youve broken your promise. And every day that goes on is another day that you have broken your promise. Because of you, and your hateful words, and your slander, two girls are suffering, two girls that would be brought home if you would begin sending your followers, which is over 10,000 people, to help this Family. But instead of doing so, you are actively working against her, slandering her and saying things without substance and telling me and other supporters of Melissa to please stop forcing the arizona issue on you. Um...NO. Im not forcing the arizona issue on you at all. Neither is anyone else. No. GOD is using people to tell you to get off your rear end and do something. But yet you continue to reject him. By rejecting the truth of the situation, you are rejecting Him. And more than that, by slandering Melissa, you are working AGAINST God and His Will. So as far as Im concerned, your testimony is nothing but all words and no substance. People can say what they want to validate you and talk about what an awesome testimony you have, but the way you are treating Melissa...it really shows how arrogant and pompous you truly are. It is time for the lies to end. The empty accusations to stop. It is time for you to stop the high school cliquish bullying. Your actions do not show Christian love. They do not show Christian character. They do not show Christian virtue. If they do, then explain it to me because I seem to have missed the part of the Bible where it says to slander people you dont like. Put simply, its time to stop the hateful statements you are making against Melissa Diegel and it is time to start listening to people when they are trying to tell you the truth. Quit alienating everyone. Quit banning and threatening to ban anyone who supports Melissa Diegel openly. Quit with the accusations without substance. Like I said, I am not letting this go until Melissa gets the help she needs. Ignore me all you want. Block me if you want. Snub me all you want. I see right through it all. Its nothing but a cop out, a bunch of cowardly actions to try and appease me. You will find I will not be appeased on this one. What say you?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:09:14 +0000

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