Time for bed! Havent recovered from last night! I remember a time - TopicsExpress


Time for bed! Havent recovered from last night! I remember a time when feeling this bad the next day, meant Id had an awesome night before! Sigh...guess those days are gone! LOL!! Needless to say, I didnt DO much today! Sadly, that gives me time to think. Its really sad. Another business in town here is going out. Its been a fixture here since the 40s! Auto wreaking yard. Sadly, our society has moved away from fixing things and merely throw the broken away and buy new. I think that is sad. Weve become a nation with no patience! We want what we want and we want it NOW! Theres no respect for longevity. No one thinks Well, its served us well, lets fix it up! I thats one reason our divorce rate is so high! Couples get married, enjoy the big day and the honeymoon and get home and sit there looking at each other thinking Okay...make me happy! Recipe for disaster. And no one works on it. If it isnt all they wanted...right away, then file for divorce! Look for the one who WILL make them happy...never realizing that person is the one in the mirror! Hate to sound pessimistic, but until we again become a people willing to roll up our sleeves and make what doesnt work for us better.....we are doomed to continually feel we fall short of our goals. Sad.... In my dreams I love to dance, to twirl and swing and reel, To let my feet become my voice, uninhibited and so free. In dance I laugh, I cry and plea for others understanding, One time I am, I truly am, free to be....just me. If something in your life isnt what you wish it were, not as perfect as youd wish, try working on it before you just throw it away...you might just find a treasure! Good night all. Sleep tight and dream of music sweeping you away!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 07:21:52 +0000

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