Time for politicians to ditch the empty rhetoric in favour of - TopicsExpress


Time for politicians to ditch the empty rhetoric in favour of straight talking and smart thinking Apr 20, 2014 17:33 2 Opinion by JeffJones Share Share Tweet +1 Email Politicians need to stop looking for someone else to blame and start thinking creatively about our problems, writes Jeff Jones Prime Minister David Cameron at the Welsh Conservative Party Conference in LLangollen One of the great advantages of the internet is that it allows you to access information without leaving the comfort of your home. Last week, trawling through the internet, I came across an interesting article written by an academic working in the Yale School of Management, Jeffrey A Sonnenfeld. Writing in 2002 after the Enron scandal, Sonnenfeld argued that: “The highest-performing companies have extremely contentious boards that view dissent as an obligation and treat no subject as undiscussable.” Given what we now know about the credit crunch from books such as Michael Lewis’ The Big Short, who could disagree? Lewis is a great writer, as the runaway success of his latest book Flash Boys, which is about high-speed trading in stocks and shares, proves. Reading Lewis, and Iain Martin’s book on Fred ‘the Shred’ Goodwin, Making It Happen, I’ve always been amazed that some directors didn’t seem capable, or even want to, ask the right questions of schemes which were obviously completely financially bonkers. As I write this article, today’s financial pages are full of stories of the awful state of the Co-op, with its latest results being the worst in the company’s 150-year history. Again you have to ask, ‘where were the directors when the decisions were made to buy Somerfield and the Britannia building society?’ But what really interested me about Sonnenfeld was whether his argument didn’t just apply to companies but also could be applied to society, and Wales in particular. Would Wales be more successful if we encouraged a culture where dissent was an obligation and no subject was seen as undiscussable? The problem we have in Wales is that we have a post-industrial society with many of the problems associated with that. In reality, the problems facing the South Wales valleys are probably no different from those being faced by similar former industrial areas in the US or Europe. But instead of facing up to this reality and seeing, as Karl Marx would argue, the world as it really is, we have a situation where it always seems much easier to blame someone else. If only we had reform of the Barnett formula and the magic extra £300m. If only the UK Coalition would end its programme of austerity and welfare reform. If only we had more powers to somehow release the hidden talent that exists among Assembly politicians and civil servants. Our politicians often seem to be living in an “if only” world, where no-one takes responsibility for anything and it is always someone else’s fault. Nothing has been more depressing in my opinion than the recent absurd spat between the Assembly administration and the UK Coalition on the NHS. Comments such as Offa’s Dyke being “a line between life and death” and it all being “an attack on Wales” belong in the politics of the playground. If Cameron really believes his Offa’s Dyke comment, then to use Nye Bevan’s famous quote on Eden, he is too stupid to be Prime Minister. On the other hand, the problem with an attack on Wales is that it can be used to shut down any meaningful debate. Anyone who disagrees with any action of the Assembly is portrayed as somehow a traitor to Wales and Welsh values, whatever they may be. If we really want change for the better we don’t need politicians who are only interested in the sound bite or stirring up the dwindling band of party activists. All the indicators show that there are major problems with the economy, health and education in Wales. If politicians were honest in tackling these problems they might start by admitting that they have been there for years. They would also admit that isn’t going to be easy. Despite the recent improved economic indicators, the UK Coalition Government hasn’t solved the UK’s economic problems. Productivity is still far too low, the balance of payments deficit is still too great and the economy has not been rebalanced. Whoever wins the UK election in 2015, life will not get easier for the new Assembly due to be elected in 2016. There will be more cuts to public expenditure unless the new UK Government introduces tax increases. In this environment we need politicians who encourage smart thinking in order to make the best use of scarce public resources. Instead of talking the empty rhetoric of “clear red water”, some might argue that what is required perhaps are politicians prepared to encourage and who are not afraid of a little blue sky thinking. Politicians who see dissent in the political world not as a threat, but as an essential ingredient to ensure the transformation of the lives of the people they are supposed to represent. Jeff Jones is director of Metier Consulting
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:37:08 +0000

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