Time for some BACON!!! The One Year Bible, 12/19/2014 1. Seems - TopicsExpress


Time for some BACON!!! The One Year Bible, 12/19/2014 1. Seems to me, Zephaniahs prophecy is twofold. First, its a foretelling of the day of the Lord, which has already passed from our present point of view. One which has already been fulfilled as both religious and secular history records, validating it. Secondly, and more important because it directly affects every individual reading this post, it foreshadows events yet to take place on the DAY OF THE LORD! Namely, the restoration of Judah and the demise of all who oppose her. 2. I find it no coincidence that as our support of Israel waivers, so does the certainty of our nations blessed social, economic, military, political, and healthy future. Just like God promised to Abraham in Genesis that He will bless those who bless Abrahams family, and He will curse those who curse them. 3. Revelation. Whoa!! John is told by a giant angel (pretty sure its Jesus) to stop recording the things which he was witnessing. This along with Pauls account making it seem almost criminal to describe parts of heaven, are the main reason I find books and stories like Heaven is for Real to be farcical and fabricated. 4. John is told to take a little book from Him and eat it. The book was sweet in Johns mouth, but sour in his stomach. This is so like the gospel. Its sweet on my lips, but when I try to contain it within myself and not share it, I really get kinda nauseous and it ends up coming out anyways. Reaching a bit on that one, but its certainly true in my case. 5. Though the LORD is on high, yet He regards the lowly; but the proud He knows from afar. Psalm 138:6 6. There is a generation that curses its father, and does not bless its mother...There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, and whose fangs are like knives... Proverbs 30:1-8 This generation is ours. Let us repent from being this way. Holy Spirit lead us back to You.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 02:50:54 +0000

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