Time has come to think to separate the muslim religious places - TopicsExpress


Time has come to think to separate the muslim religious places from the occupation of the king Who is supporting the Ant-ideene MUSRIKi soldier of EGYPT as a custodian of the two Holy Mosjids which are the propErty of the Muslim WORLD . Being a custodian of the Deene Holy places he is not authorized to support the MUSRIKI soldiers to kill the MUSLIM providing a huge Fund . He should separate our Deene places and as a king of His country He may do this no muslim will disturb him but we do not want him to support the anti islamic activity of any country as a custodian of the two Holy MOSJID. I wish to to draw the attention of the muslim friends on my comment if agree please share and spread world wide to the every muslim of the world . Allahu Akbar. May Allaha help the oppressed muslim of the world AND THE Egyptian muslims sending your special force . we are your creature . We have none to save us except you subhanahu wa Taala . You Helped us at our birth time sending special force many times in the presence of our beloved prophlaihi wa sallam when we were a small group . YA ALLAH WE THE MUSLIMS ARE NOW LIVING AS AN ORPHAN IN THE ABSENCE OF OUR GUIDE PROPHET SALLALAHU ALAIHI WA SALAM . No muslim leaders are coming to guide us nor no muslim state is coming forward to establish the deen in the muslim countries rather the muslim leengaged them to establish the anti-Deen in the muslim countries and they are fighting . Ya Allah Your decision is final please help your weak IMANDAR MUSLIM by DININE POWER as you subhanahu wa TaalA Helped us in Many wars at our birth time of Deen . Allahu Akbar .YA ALLAH WE THE BANGLADESHI MUSLIMS ARE PRAYING AND CRYING AND WRITING FOR YOUR DIVINE HELP THINKING YOU IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER . WE ARE FAR AWAY FROM OUR BROTHERS WHO ARE FIGHTING TO ESTABLISH DEEN but our soul is attached with them in the field . Oh my Deene brothers we are crying dropping tears and praying for your verdict . Hope our Final decIsion will soon come to us from our creator . Allahu Akbar .Allahu Akbar muslims are forgetting their own religious culture . In Law and order sectors Anti Islamic man made law is used in the court . In economic sectors interest based economy is being followed . We the muslim community was warned not to follow some of the Rules and regulations of the Deen and to leave some. Islam is a complete code of human life it requires education but it is observed in the muslim countries that islamic education with islamic along with worldly man made education is not introduced in the muslim countries . So it is the time to think deeply to save the muslim world establishing the complete SHIRK /DUALITY free deen along with Deene environment in the muslim country to save the muslim world and to satisfy Allah subhanahu wa Taala otherwise existance of the muslim world will be in danger as we already observed in Iraq, Afgnistan, Syria and drawn attack in Pakistan and Yamen. All my Muslim friends are requested to post my deene story to the Leaders of the muslim countries through face book, print Medea and electronoic media so that Deene intellectuals come forward to save the muslim world from the anti islamic activities and culture and also engage themselves to root out SHIRK / DUALITY from the muslim’s worldly life . I believe we the spreader of this post may have reward at the time of Judgement Day .Allahu Akbar
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 08:37:36 +0000

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