Time has no pause button. Time consistently marches forward, - TopicsExpress


Time has no pause button. Time consistently marches forward, uncaring of what life brings and the interruptions that pressure us to ask our relationships to “wait just a minute.” We can’t go back and recapture a missed opportunity. There’s no way to re-live a cherished hour spent with a child who is rapidly growing. It’s impossible to truly “make-up” those extra hours that were spent at work instead of with a spouse. And when Grandma is lying in a hospital bed, it’s impossible to cram all her words of wisdom into the short 10 minutes she can talk. Time is blind. Time is oblivious to our struggle to get it all done. It doesn’t see our “to do” lists- those lists that are deemed super important but are half filled with inconsequential details. Time doesn’t care if our priorities are skewed or if we waste our minutes; it keeps marching forward. Unknowing of the future, we plunge ahead as if every loved one we have will always be here. But any of us could be gone in one failed heartbeat. Time can be a friend or foe. The deciding factor? Perspective. It can be viewed as keeping us from accomplishing all our dreams, desires and demands; or it can be viewed as a precious gift from God. It can be seen as a thief who steals our youth; or as an agent of mercy who limits our days in a sin-filled earth. Perspective can lead us to beg time to speed up or slow down, but time is deaf to our pleadings. Instead, time is begging us to stop living in yesterday or longing for tomorrow. It calls out to us to make the most of right now, because right now will never come again. Time His. Time’s continual forward movement is pushing us to an end. The end of these flawed containers we call out bodies. The end of life as we know it. The end of our chance to seek Jesus and receive His salvation. Time’s continual forward movement is also pushing us to a beginning. The beginning of eternity; either in the presence of God or in the pits of hell. Time screams out to you, “Make this moment count! Listen to me! I have no pause button.” rebeccagertner
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:43:10 +0000

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