Time in our head. When the list of things that needs doing keeps - TopicsExpress


Time in our head. When the list of things that needs doing keeps growing even when we feel like we are ticking things off. When there is never enough time to connect with others, to feel the ground beneath us, to breathe deep - because there is always something on the list that needs doing. When appointments made with family and friends become something on the list rather than time to enjoy. Any of this sound familiar? The world around us encourages us to be busy; to fill every minute of the day. We get caught in a cycle of doing, doing, doing. The body reacts with tension. We might not even notice. The breath becomes shallow, shortens. The chest begins to feel heavy. The mind muddled. We feel frustrated, tired, overloaded. Wonder why you feel better after yoga? You have stepped out of your head. Hopefully. Although, it might take practice. In a physical yoga practice, you focus on the body, on sensations, on how to move the spine, on where to place your limbs. As you become more able, you start to focus on and learn about the breath. When we start to learn about the breath we learn how to tap into the nervous system - how to take control of the busy mind and start to slow it down. The breath becomes a mirror for our health, for our mind. The list has become less important. Or at least priorities on the list change. We might become interested in this process and begin to wonder about delving deeper, learning more - meditation perhaps? A personal practice - an enquiry into the self. Learning to be present. See how a small seed grows? But a seed needs to be watered. It needs good soil. December brings a BIG list and lots of doing, but do you really need to achieve everything on that list? Put it aside for 5mins. And observe your breath. Breathe a little deeper. Were here to help water your seed. Or to encourage you to roll out your mat at home. Take some time to breathe. And if December goes a little crazy, ride the wave and see us on the other side. Cath x
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:05:43 +0000

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