Time is paradise If time was eternal, you would be the richest - TopicsExpress


Time is paradise If time was eternal, you would be the richest person in the world, but which world? Surely, not this world because it is short. And even though this life is short, most of us dont truly value time the way we should. Sadly, time is wasted in mundane and insignificant things, even though its scarce and short. How many of us have heard that time is money. If you are a finance or actuarial major, you probably have mastered the concept of Time Value Of Money. A concept that stresses that money today is worth more than money tomorrow. While that in itself is true, money is not more valuable than eternal life. Money is only temporary and short. If you only value time in terms of monetary value, than you need to give your soul a spiritual awakening. You need look time from a different angle. You need to look at it from a spiritual perspective. Time is truly valued not for the monetary benefit, but the opportunity to earn eternal life in paradise. In this life, the time we have been given in this world, has not been given to us to live for this world, it purpose is to strive for the hereafter.Time spent in the worship of God, while doing deeds of righteousness, spending money in good causes, helping the poor and orphans, giving advice to people in need, living with high ethical and moral standards, and promoting peace and justice, these are truly worth more today than anything else. So look how you spend your life today, for tomorrow may not come for you. Know that all the wealth and knowledge you had with you will cease to exists, but your good deeds will be your most worthy and priceless possesions. Tomorrow when you meet your lord to account for everything you did, your wealth and money will be useless. Your sins will be your enemy. Your only help will be the good you did.From many accounts of near death experiences, the common theme has been: I realized I was not using my time for my true purpose. I was lost. I was following my desires. Not one account has said: I wish I had earned more money, or gained more wealth. So understand the concept of time in worldly terms, but value time in eternal terms. Time spend in Godly things is much more rewarding. Time is not even measurable.Lets look at a verse from the Quran which explains what most of us value in this life and what is better than it. Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present worlds life; but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise) with Him. (Surah Aal ‘Imran, 14)The Quran offers a great example of how valuable wealth will be in the hereafter. Woe to every slanderer and backbiter. Who has gathered wealth and counted it. He presumes that his money will make him immortal. [Surah al- Humazah, 1-3] Clearly, it is well explained that wealth gives you no life. It merely wastes the time you have in this world, which instead of using it to earn a place in paradise, we wast it by hoarding wealth.In a famous saying of Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu Alihi Wa Salam, he said: I dont fear poverty for you, but rather, I fear that you will compete with one another (to see who has more possessions). He has warned us that we will be in love of wealth and compete with each other. Worldly gains will divert us from our true goal and purpose in life. We will be selling time, our most precious and valuable possession from a life that is merely a moment of pleasure compared to the hereafter. We will be investing in things that will disappear and hold no value for us.Extreme love for this world cannot exist in the heart of a believer devoted to Allah. The Prophet (SAW) said and warned us wasting time in a world which is dissapearing every moment. He said: The Day of Judgement has come close, and mankind will only increase their desire for this world, and they will only go farther and farther away from Allah. This will only cause loss of ones true life, and he will have exchanged eternity for something that is not guaranteed to last even 60 years.Prophet Muhammad has also warned us of how we spend our time and life. He said: The two feet of the son of Adam will not move on the Day of Judgement in front of his Lord until he is asked about five things: about his life, and how he spent it? And about his youth, what did he consume it in? And about his money, how did he earn it? And what did he spend it on? And how much did he act upon what he knew? So time is not money, time is paradise. Use it to earn a place in paradise where you will live in eternity. True success is not ensuring that your 401k has the maximum value, rather, true success is ensuring that your day of judgement has the maximum return, where interest is perpetual and its use is eternal bliss. Therefore, reason well and value what is truly valuable. Dont strive for money, earn money to make a worldly living, and strive to earn true life. Strive to be among the dwellers of paradise. May Allah give us knowledge to see and follow the true light. May He forgive our shortcomings and give us eternal life by his throne. Ameen!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:38:39 +0000

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