Time management Time is a finite commodity. Each of us has - TopicsExpress


Time management Time is a finite commodity. Each of us has the same amount of time available and yet most of us admit that we do not have enough time. Much of the secret of managing time has to do with how well organized we are. Nobody likes to think that they waste time but not only is it easy to do so, half the time we may not even realize we are doing it. To manage time well, one needs to be honest with oneself and dispassionately evaluate the daily activities. Churchil once said that if we want a thing done, we should give it to a busy person. Because these people are busy they always find a way to fill what is required into their schedule. Setting and achieving goals play a major part in managing time. If you do not know what you have to do, you will not know where to start. Knowing what is important and needs to be done put you in control of events rather than events being in control of you. It also helps in achieving goals if we identify priority. Prioritizing is understanding the difference between what is UEGENT and what is IMPORTANT. Things which are urgent are pressing in their need for attention, but they may be trivial. Urgent is that which needs doing within a tight time frame not necessarily important. Things that are important require careful consideration and usually take extra time to think about. Urgent things have a habit of looking important because of their time constraints. They require quick reactions but they should not take up much time. We have to know how to put off something which is urgent to attend to something which is important. There are, of course, something that are both urgent and important. When both apply, the matter requires your fullest attention. There is no question of doing something more appealing first. The penalty will be that you run out of time. Evaluate things you do. Consider how much time is taken up with creative executive activities and how much time is spent performing day-to-day tasks. By identifying your responsibilities, knowing what your goals are, putting your tasks in order of priority and being able to distinguish between those tasks that are urgent and those that are important, you will find it easier to plan how to use your time effectively. Organising your time would be easier if other people do not always want things from you so that you never seem to get your own work finished. Parkinson’s law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion that is why having deadlines is important. Without them, very little tends to happen within a sensible time frame. If the deadlines imposed upon you are very tight, set your own deadlines within them.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:27:50 +0000

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