Time means nothing and how sixty seconds saved my life... - TopicsExpress


Time means nothing and how sixty seconds saved my life... Otherwise known as day 24. Crescent City to Elk Prairie Camp Ground. On the road you really lose any sense of time. Most days there is not even a need to look at a watch, you just need to get where you are sleeping next by dark. Even on the bike the minutes turn into hours before you notice. The days also slip by, many times on this trip I have asked someone is it Tuesday or Wednesday ? Only to be told its Thursday. Honestly, there is something very enchanting about not being driven by time. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE punctuality, but on this trip there is nothing to be punctual for Today I made it to the California Redwood National Park. The ride fished up a decent climb before hurtling me back down towards sea level... And then I heard a CRACK!!! Not a moment later my rack was swinging of the back of the bike rubbing on the chain and tyre and the smell of rubber burning came quick. I knew in a millionth of a second what had happened, the bar supporting my gear rack had snapped. I came to a halt quickly and surveyed the damage. I gathered myself and realised it was time to get walking. The only thought really in my head was how thankful I was that it did not happen 60 seconds earlier... When I was going 58km an hour rather than the 18km I was going when it happened. 60 odd seconds changed this trip. So I have taken that as a sign to stay a day or two at elk Prairie and go hiking and biking and discover the redwoods. I will work out what to do with my gear another day and I refuse to let this stress me out. How could I when today I got to go for a three hour walk through the Redwoods. There is no words for how immense the beauty of these trees are. Last year I went to a redwood Forrest near San Fran... And they were nothing compared to this. And it is blowing my mind that when I get to the avenue of the giants... They are even bigger. At one stage I had tears in my eyes, completely overwhelmed at what I was seeing. No photo you will ever see will give you perspective on these giants. Just when you thought you saw the most amazing thing, you turned a corner and saw another. Of anything I have seen in the world, I implore you to come and see these for yourselves. You not only have to creak your neck to see the tops, but also arch your back. Huge. I got one photo taken near the twisted tree it is perhaps one of the only photos that will give you some perspective on size. Tomorrow I am going mountain biking!!!!! Yippee. There is a 30km loop I can do through the Forrest too the beach. Working out how to fix my gear rack and how to get to the next town is a problem that can wait for another time. Cause right now i have time on my hands.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 22:19:07 +0000

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